As a working mom, I relish the summer. It is the one time of year when I am guaranteed to have true quality time with my family. The warm weather and extended days give me more energy and we love to spend time outside!
One of my favorite things about this summer has been observing how my daughter has grown and developed. She will be three at the end of September and she is like a little sponge, absorbing everything. So, we need to be very careful of what we say.
Toddlers pay attention to every word...
For example, since she learned to talk she has been requesting noodles and egg rolls for dinner. We're avid
Thai food lovers and have it at least once a week. Sometimes twice a week. I have even learned how to make it myself. Saying "we" is a bit of an overstatement. Andre sometimes enjoys it under protest and has been known to tell me, "You know I'm not Asian." I guess he says that in case I had forgotten.
The truth is I really don't care. I LOVE Asian food. Having it only twice a week is a bit of a sacrifice. I could eat some variety of Asian food every day and be happy. Indeed, when I was single, I did. Fortunately for me, my sister is the same way. We may need to research our lineage...
Anyway, taking the toddler's lead, we often ask her if she would like "noodles and egg roll". Well, the other night in response to that question she responded, "We eat Pad Thai, no peanuts and no egg." Clearly she is paying attention to things even more than I thought!
Watching is no fun, toddlers want to play!
She has made it clear that she is much more of a participant than a spectator.
When we attended a Pirates game, she became upset that she couldn't play. It didn't matter that the players were all men, bigger than she was and professionals. She believed that they should want to play with her and couldn't understand why they wouldn't pause and throw her the ball! She doesn't enjoy riding in the stroller while we run as much as she used to. Indeed, the only way we can get her to comply now is to allow her to play with Andre's iPhone. Otherwise, she says, "I want to get out. I want to run!"

She has also become a bit of a daredevil on the playground just like her daddy!
Last night, at the park, I was snapping photos. She insisted that she snap some too. She snapped this one of me. I think she did a pretty good job, don't you?!