One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

A Peek Into the Life of a Mommy Blogger: Check Me Out on iQ: Smart Parent

Me and show host, Angela Santomero
I have been discussing the role of technology in the lives of working mothers quite a bit lately. I’ll likely have a few more posts about the topic because it is both vast and fascinating. In many ways it is the most perfect contradiction. Technology was designed to make our lives easier, but it can be seductive to the point of distraction and can be misused. The same can be said about the use of technology by our kids.

If you believe the advertisements, technology can simplify our lives and our parenting.  However, how can any parent feel confident that they’re using it effectively? 
  1. Have you ever felt guilty about using the television or iPad as a babysitter that helps to occupy your child while you clean your house, talk on the phone or do work from home?
  2. Have you ever used technology to teach your child things that you have neglected to teach them yourself like how to count, colors, or how to use the potty?
  3. Have you wondered how to balance the benefits of technology use by children with what you have heard to be the detriments of technology?
  4. And how do you even know what to do when all around you are advertisements trying to convince you that they can “teach your baby to read” and if your child doesn’t know how to use technology she’ll be left behind forever?

Parents Have Questions About Media, iQ: SmartParent Has the Answers

WQED, a PBS member television station that is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, understands the concerns that parents have about this complicated topic. For that reason, they decided to discuss it on iQ: SmartParent. I am honored to be affiliated with WQED iQ:SmartParent . The iQ: SmartParent is focused on helping us parent better in theses changing times called the 21st Century. As a working mom I am particularly interested in this program.  With all of my responsibilities, I don't have time to research everything myself. So, I value these programs, created by the same station that produced "Mister Rodgers Neighborhood", that help me become a better parent.

iQ: SmartParent Show Details

  • Tune into WQED on Channel 9 Comcast in Pittsburgh at 3:00 PM Sunday, 10/27/13 to get educated and to see me!

Today, iQ: SmartParent is discussing, Tots + Tech. What happens when kids under age 8 watch TV and are exposed to screens? They’re discussing current research and practical considerations of exposing children to media during the early childhood years, explore the impact of educational screen time on kids of various backgrounds, and offer parents some tips for raising young children in our media-rich environment.
Once again, WQED will feature host Angela Santomero, creator of Blue’s Clues, Super Why, and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Guests include Lisa Guernsey, author of Screen Time: How Electronic Media - From Baby Videos to Educational Software - Affects Your Young Child; Michael Robb, Director of Education and Research at the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children's Media; and Deborah Linebarger, Associate Professor of Education at the University of Iowa and noted researcher on young children and media. Also with Deborah Gilboa, MD, parenting expert of The episode also features content from Common Sense Media, a lead partner in the iQ: SmartParent series.
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Katleen Garcia said…
If you need your children to use up some energy so that they can sleep easier at night, peel them away from their phones and do some physical activities together. Have a fun dance battle or do a simple 20-minutes workout that involves jumping jacks or push-ups that will exhaust them, so that everyone can enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Read more: 5 tips for parents in staying sane while working from home.