One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Working Mom Tips: The Secrets to Success

Working moms have lots of responsibilities and little time. It is a tough job being a full time mother and professional and it will remain that way until the end of time (or at least until Corporate America develops more family-friendly policies). For that reason, if we can get secrets to success and avoiding the challenges experienced by mothers with more experience we need to embrace them and apply them!

I found an article written by, Michelle Slatalla, a successful working mom who decided to share her secrets with the rest of us. So, I thought I’d share it. It’s entitled, "10 Secrets of an Unflappable Working Mom"  

 If you put your kids to bed in their clothes, I won't judge you.

Being a working mom is friggin' hard. I try not to judge my sisters in the struggle. And I am generally open to anything that is intended to make our lives easier, save us time and make us feel less guilty. One area of opportunity for most working moms is the morning routine. Your morning routine has the ability to influence your entire day. If your routine is stressful and chaotic chances are your workday will be too. You'll like question why you're working, contemplate quitting, and yell at someone at some point. You may yell at your kids, your spouse or that S.O.B that cuts you off in traffic!

The biggest thing that I learned from Michelle is that the way to be a successful working mom is to make your own rules. There is no "right" way to make it work. If you believe that there is, you'll just make yourself crazy. You'll also likely develop a case of low self-esteem because you'll be comparing yourself to some perfect working mom that you heard about who is never late, her kids never object to going to bed, and she always looks fabulous. If you, like me can be late, have a great kid who is sometimes very opinionated and you have great clothes but occasionally have a bad hair day, you have to figure out how to get everything done in a way that works for you and your family.


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