One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Because of Verizon, I am Now a Part of the "In Crowd" (#VZWVoices #Mom)

I am participating in the Verizon Moms Voices program and have been provided with a wireless device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.   

As you know, Verizon selected me to be a “Verizon Wireless Voices Ambassador”. It’s been a great opportunity because I’ve gotten to try out a couple Verizon devices. The first was a Samsung Tab. I have enjoyed my tab. It has made me more efficient by allowing me to maximize my time. It has bought me time by entertaining my toddler while I do the laundry and occasionally blog. It has also helped me stay more connected to social media by giving me unlimited internet access wherever I go.

In a word, the tab has been cool. And if it was the only perk that I received for being a “Verizon Wireless Voices Ambassador” I'd be happy.

The Second Device We Received, The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 

Last night I watched the American Music Awards and learned that because of my affiliation with Verizon I am now rocking technology like LeBron James who is in a great commercial for Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Forget being like Mike. That’s old school. I now have the hottest device being marketed by the hottest NBA star and potentially in all of sports right now.  Gotta love the doors that blogging has opened up for me!
So, you’re probably wondering, “does the device live up to the hype?” The answer is “yes and then some.” It is the perfect combination of a phone and a tablet. The ability to call and have the functionality of a tablet definitely gives the iPad mini a run for it's money. It is large enough to allow you to read documents and watch movies without squinting. Yet, it is Small enough to slip into your purse without weighing you down. It looks damned cool. It also takes the clearest pictures I have ever seen!
One of the coolest things about having the device, other than rolling like my dog LeBron, is that iPhone users comment all of the time about how much they love it. I guess, I have actually transcended cool. Instead of being in the in crowd, I have become that chick with the hottest toy.
Thanks Verizon!

For more information about my relationship with Verizon, check out
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