One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

A Working Mom's Reflections on 2013: Happy New Year! (#WorkingMom)

 New Year's Eve 2013
Over the past year, a lot has changed.  However, we were blessed to end the year without losing a family member, which is huge. Social media connects us with our extended world and has taught me that many people are struggling at this time of year because they have lost loved ones. Our prayers go out to them.  In recognition to them and in honor of our blessings we are committed to appreciating what we have. Below is a list of some of the year's highlights.

1.       Pre-School:        The toddler left the comfort of home and began attending pre-school. She has thrived there and now that the tears are done and the transition is complete, I am confident that we made the right decision.  We are very blessed that she enjoys her school and that we have the means to provide her with a solid pre-school education.  Her transition has caused her to grow and has taught our family lessons, check out the "Seven Tips to Surviving Pre-school" to see what we've learned.

2.       Speaking Engagements:               I spoke at two conferences unrelated to my "day job".  I give numerous speeches as part of my work ranging from such exciting topics as litigation avoidance to scope of practice.  However, my passion is motivating women and helping others discover the pleasure that I have found through blogging.  I was fortunate enough to speak at "The Mom Con" and at the "Niche Parent '13 Conference" this year, which was a continuation of work I began some time ago.  The "Niche Parent '13 Conference" in particular taught me that working mothers are finding creative ways to care for their families and provide for them,
3.       My Day Job:  I remain employed full time as an attorney at a corporation.  This year the scope of my position has grown even though my paycheck has not. Welcome to corporate America!  J So, my comments about my quest for balance in stilettos remains real and personal.  Being a working mom is not for the faint of heart. However, it is manageable with thought and planning.  I am not entirely sure if I am "leaning in" to my career. However, because of the Southern work ethic bestowed upon me by my grandparents, I am committed to thriving as long as I am here.
4.       Pregnancy:         We are expecting another baby at the end of March.  A friend teased that I got pregnant in order to give me more blogging material. I promise you that is not true! We had prayed to expand our family. So, we are thrilled that we will have a new member soon.  This pregnancy has brought a quickly expanding belly, lots of fatigue, and a great deal of joy.  It has also required us to look for another car and place to live that can comfortably accommodate us all. Before we move, Andre is remodeling our master bathroom. Wish us luck!

5.     Branding Collaborations: This past year I was selected by the Carnegie Museums as one of their bloggers with whom they collaborate.  I also increased the number of sponsored posts written on my blog. In addition, I was selected by Verizon as a "Verizon Wireless Voices Ambassador", which included a trip to Chicago and two Samsung devices. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3, the hottest new wireless device, made me a part of the "In Crowd", which was a huge treat. The entire experience was pretty awesome.

This year was full of change.  However, one thing has remained constant: the support I can count on from my blog readers.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.

We have made enormous progress together.  My blogging and speaking successes are largely attributed to my faithful and increasing readership.  I can't wait to see what we're going to do together in the years to come.

Happy New Year!
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