The 2024 presidential election motivated me to have a birthday do-over

At the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater Pointe in Time Emerald Gala Today marks a week since my birthday.  Its occurrence is a tremendous blessing. Because all around us are reminders about the fragility of life. To that end, my brother, who always makes a point to celebrate me, took me to the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater's Pointe in Time Emerald Gala on November 2d. That was the beginning of my birthday celebrations. And then, on my birthday itself, I got a bit of a surprise... My actual birthday was tough. It was Election Day. And, I spent the day working polls as a part of an election protection effort. My efforts were designed to protect all voters. However, deep in my heart I love my AKA sister, Kamala Harris and I hoped for her historic victory. Then, much to my chagrin and despite my efforts—and those of thousands more—she lost. In my estimation, that loss was one of the greatest setbacks in human dignity in my lifetime.  The country elected a felon and self-proclaimed, racist, ableis

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: Things to Do on a Snow Day

Andre and toddler play in the Snow
Everything slows down in the winter, especially in a snow storm.  This winter between the “Polar Vortex” and the other storms that we have been having things have screeched to a crawl. 

In our house like in many homes all over the East Coast we have been snow bound and looking for ways to amuse ourselves. 
Since I am already pregnant, you don’t have to worry about our family contributing to the baby boom that will most certainly ensue after these storms.  We got a head start…

Three Things To Do On a Snow Day

Here are some of the things we've been doing to amuse ourselves...

Television:  Since we have a toddler and we’re not involved in “indoor sports” we have been finding clean activities to participate in.  One of the things we have been doing is watching “Nick Jr.  I am fully aware that the American Pediatrics Association recommends that parents limit the amount of television that children watch. However, I am convinced that those folks don’t have children…
Music and Dancing:  We have also been listening to music. One of the things that my daughter likes to most in the world is dance. And because she’s my daughter and doesn’t know any better she loves the “Grease” soundtrack.  Her favorite song to dance to is “The Hand Jive”.  There’s a part of the song where they sing “higher, higher!” and it makes her go crazy!
Playing in the Snow:  Playing in the snow is as American as apple pie. Yesterday Andre promised the toddler that he would take her outside to have a snowball fight and he did not disappoint her. Like a good mommy, before they went outside I bundled her up. I dressed her in layers, underwear, tights and socks, a t-shirt, turtle neck and other shirt. I followed that up with snow pants, a jacket, gloves, a hat and a scarf. And because I am my mother’s daughter, I slathered her face in Vaseline. Doing that gave me flash backs of being a kid in Western New York.  The snow was high and the days were cold and I vowed to leave there when I got old enough.  How did I wind up in Pittsburgh you ask? That is a tale for another blog post…  
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