Easter eggs // Ostereier (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
"In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it, you'll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade..."
We aren't into Easter bonnets, but we have our own set of Easter traditions...
I know that I have been delinquent in sharing my tales of my last delivery. You know that the baby is here and is being loved. Like everything in my life, I have a story about my delivery, but I haven't taken the time to write it. Don't worry that post is coming. In the meantime, here's a post about how our family celebrated Easter this year. In the midst of caring for a new baby, recovering from my delivery, renovating a new house, and trying to sell our old house we managed to have a very happy Easter.
Our Easter Traditions
Andre has brought child friendly traditions to our home. He is all about making holidays memorable to our children. For the past three years he has made sure that we have had an egg decorating party.
Andre started our annual egg decorating party
Because this year Andre is in the process of renovating our new home he wasn't able to plan our annual egg decorating party. Yeah, we closed on a property two weeks after my estimated delivery date. It seemed like a good idea when we planned it. It must have been the pregnancy hormones. The timing was ill advised. However, we're making it work. The details are a topic for another post. I only bring it up now because Andre's preoccupation with our new home meant that I had to pick up the slack for the egg decorating party. I am proud to say that I rose to the occasion.
The party was attended by both grandmothers, two aunts and one grandfather. Andre even took a break from working on the project to attend the party. Nothing humbles a mom like having dad come home. My daughter screamed like she had hit the lottery and got the most luminous smile. Her greeting for me yesterday morning was, "Where's daddy?!"
Even though the party had fewer favors and less food than in prior years, I was pleased that the Easter tradition continued. Also, everyone had a great time. I guess sometimes done is better than perfect.
Church and dinner punctuate Easter Sunday
Like in many American homes our Easter morning began with candy and colored eggs. However, we recognize that there is more to Easter than that. Although I don't attend church every Sunday it is important to me that faith and church are a part of our children's lives. Given that Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christians I wanted my daughter to attend church like she has done every year of her life. The challenge this year was that our baby is only five weeks old and hasn't had his first round of vaccination yet. While I am committed to instilling our children with faith, I am also practical. At this stage of our son's life, it is too early to expose him to all of the well intentioned ladies at church who would like to kiss him. Fortunately for me, my sister was in town. She took my daughter to church and I stayed home with the baby. Why didn't Andre take her? The short answer is, he was renovating the house. The long answer is a post for another day...

After church and nap my daughter, sister, son, baby, and I went to my mother's house for dinner. She set out quite a spread--lamb, salmon, rice, sweet potatoes and kale. It was topped off with fresh strawberries, pineapple, copious amounts of candy and the best cupcakes you've ever had compliments of my brother's girlfriend. All in all, we had a very happy Easter.
Easter dinner |
