This past weekend we got to have
family time. And family time is always good!
Anybody who has kids understands
that it is important to keep them stimulated. One way to do that is learning
about interesting events and attending those that make sense. Sometimes though, the weekend is about reconnecting with your family and cleaning the house because people are coming to view it...
Our current situation: cleaning, showing and renovating
You've heard me share that we are
trying to sell our home and are renovating another one. Andre is doing
most of the work. So that means I am alone with our children a lot.
The good thing is the new house is very close to our current home. So, Andre can come home whenever we need him. The challenging thing is the kids and
I must figure out how to amuse ourselves. On days like today when people
come to view our current home, the kids and I must venture out into our
I love taking photos. If I could find a sponsor, I swear I'd become a member of the paparazzi. I don't, so, my consolation is stalking my kid. Often, she's not up for it. However, sometimes, like today, she humors me. When she does, I can't resist sharing the results.
Photos with your kids, the next best thing to a selfie...
Having lunch at The Children's Museum |
Two years ago, Pittsburgh got an incredible gift. With a donation from the Charity Randall Foundation, Pittsburgh got a very cool art exhibit that emits a mist cloud of water that helps everyone around smile and cool off. My daughter loves it. So, since it was surprisingly hot today, we decided to pay it a visit.
Posing at Buhl Community Park |
More Posing at Buhl Community Park |
Mom stalking a toddler at Buhl Community Park |