"Tell me can you wobble?!"
This weekend we got to have family time. And family time is always
Anybody who has kids understands that it
is important to keep them stimulated. One way to do that is find out about
interesting events going on and attend those that make sense. This past weekend, we attended a free community picnic.
baby enjoying the picnic
The only thing this working mom likes better than family fun is free family fun. So I was very excited. Also, they advertised a moon bounce. Since my daughter loves a moon bounce it seemed like our type of affair. Well, we came. We saw. But, we did not bounce.
Sometimes the best made plans come undone...
The picnic was scheduled from noon to 6:00 PM. I was aiming to arrive during the second half of the picnic for two reasons. It's hard getting out of the house with small children. Also, surviving a six hour picnic is a lot to expect for a toddler and an infant. That time frame involves at least three feedings and numerous trips to the bathroom (a portable toilet, never my choice of bathrooms). Also, it was a hot sunny day, which I love. However, the only way I'm spending six hours outside in the heat is if I'm at the beach.
I should have aimed to arrive at the beginning of the picnic anyway because it took us so long to leave that we arrived at about 4:45 PM. Although that was really late, I figured I'd still be able to deliver on my promise of a moon bounce. So, we arrived at Highland Park, I got a friend to look after the baby and I took the toddler to the moon bounce.
Wouldn't you know a kid peed in the moon bounce right before we arrived so they were taking it down early?!
I felt bad. However, the good thing for me is that my daughter is a bit of a princess. She was horrified to hear that someone had peed in the moon bounce and was content to play on the playground. We also had some of the best BBQ chicken ever. So even though she didn't bounce, she had a great time. Mommy score!
Mommy fun and toddler fun
The event was sponsored by the Pan Hellenic Council of Pittsburgh, comprised of nine historically Black fraternities and sororities.
Sorority and Fraternity Members |
My sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. is a member of this group. So, this event was an opportunity for me to reunite with some of my sorority sisters.
Toddler looking like a future AKA |
Because I am me, a lot of my stuff is in storage since we're trying to sell our house, and I'm a mom of two little kids and it's all consuming, I forgot to wear a sorority t-shirt. Oh well, I made it there and the toddler and I got to do some line dancing. (We really like "The Cupid Shuffle", it's a song with directions!) That should count for something!