Being a working mom teaches you things. Here's a list of some of things I have learned that make my life easier. Since the purpose of this blog is to help other working moms on their own quest for balance, I thought I'd share them to make your Monday go a little easier.
Five Lessons Learned As a Working Mom of Young Children
My kids are the joys of my life and super cute. However, it takes planning to raise them, work full time and look good. Here are some of the lessons I have learned.
The kiddos |
- It is impossible to have too many paper towels: Both of my kids have been happy spitters. This means that they have been known to douse me and the area where I stand with the contents of their stomachs. Those who are unfamiliar with them get all worked up because it's kind of disgusting and disturbing if you're not prepared for it. I am so used to it, I don't even flinch anymore. However, I do tend to have a steady supply of paper towels... If you need to replenish your stash, here's a coupon link, $0.25 off ONE Bounty Paper Towels
- You need good cosmetics to fake a good night sleep: I believe in the benefits of getting a good night sleep and understand that being sleep deprived can lead to a host of health problems. I also believe in the benefits of eating my vegetables and can't seem to manage to do that all of the time either! I refuse to believe that my penalty for not getting enough sleep is to look haggard. Some may like that form of honesty, but I prefer to deceive the world into thinking that I was born looking refreshed. My secret? Good cosmetics. Here are coupon links for some age defying cream that can help you fake a good night sleep too, $2.00 off ONE Olay Total Effects or Age Defy, $2.00 off ONE Olay Regenerist product
- Batteries are the key to parental happiness: It seems like all of the cool toys take batteries. However, did you know that an electric toothbrush can make even the most resistant child excited about brushing their teeth? Before we switched over to an electric toothbrush brushing our daughter's teeth was a constant battle. We all hated it. Now that she has an electric toothbrush, we all look forward to brushing her teeth. We have managed to turn a torture into a treat. Buy an electric toothbrush and extra batteries. Here's a coupon link, $2.00 off ONE Duracell Rechargeable Batteries .
- Running out of tea and toilet paper is not an option: There are two things that make my world go 'round, tea and toilet paper. I think you can understand. Here are coupon links to save on both, $1.00 off any ONE (1) Lipton Black Tea Bag carton , Save $1.50 on any Angel Soft® Bath Tissue 36 Double Roll.
- Breakfast time savers can save your sanity: In a perfect world, we all get up in plenty of time to make our kids a hot breakfast. In this fast pace world where we all do too much and sometimes sleep through our alarms, we need a go to breakfast that's quick and doesn't result in our kids eating chocolate and jelly beans before noon. Cereal bars can save your sanity. While they may not be something you want your kids having every day, they are somewhat wholesome and quick. Here's a coupon link that can help you save, $1.00 off 2 Kellogg's Nutri-Grain/Special K Bars .