Me and the kids at Market Square |
Last weekend we got to have family time. And family time is always good!
Anybody who has kids understands that it is important to keep them stimulated. One way to do that is find out about interesting events going on and attend those that make sense. Another way is to occupy them with birthday parties. You can also bribe them with sweets and television all weekend, but I don't recommend it because you'll pay for it big time!
Like I've said before, it usually takes us one entire day to recover from the week, but this weekend we didn't get it. I had to disrupt our routine because of some nonsense commitment I had outside of the house.
This past Saturday I had to preside over a meeting for a group that I agreed to run. Don't get me wrong, I love my group. It's just that being president is more work than I envisioned. Also, the meetings always come as a surprise, even though they're always on the same Saturday of the month.
The spread from the meeting, Location: Sesame Inn |
I got lucky this weekend because my daughter was invited to a birthday party on Saturday. And they like her so much that they wanted her to stay all day. So, as I went to my meeting, my daughter went to her party. Letting her go was a big deal for me. I tend to keep her on a short leash. Allowing her to leave for an entire day put me out of my comfort zone, especially since it was an icy day. Still, we got through it and she loved being away from us for an entire day. The chick didn't even want to come home!
Still all good things come to an end. So, she came home to us, reluctantly. She was reassured because she had another birthday party on Sunday. It's nice to be her...
Daughter at the Children's Museum during her second party of the weekend |
While we arrived late to the Sunday party, she still had a great time. Don't judge me. The party started at 11:00 AM and I have two small kids. We tried, we really did. However, we woke up late and scrambled to make it there at all!
After the party, my daughter took a nap. Given all of the excitement of the weekend, she earned it. While she was sleeping I decided that we should take a walk as soon as she got up because on Sunday we had a heat wave!
At Market District
Life has taught me some things. One, getting two children under five dressed and ready when you want them to be is slim to none. Also, if you live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and God gives you a random nice day in the middle of November, you capitalize on it. Like I told my daughter, "We can't waste the sunshine!" So, when she woke up we walked downtown to Market Square where they have the City of Pittsburgh has built a winter wonderland. They also have the most realistic Santa Claus you have ever seen!
The kids with Santa |
As you can see, we made it to see Santa and had a nice time. I don't need to bore you with how I had to fight with her about her hair or how I had to walk like I was training for the Olympics to get there! What's important is we made it and as you can see I made two kids very happy!
More Weekend Photos