One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

A Working Mom's Ode to Fall...

Boots, the best thing about Fall...
My daughter's preschool learned a poem that goes:

These are the seasons know them all!

While they won't be winning a Pulitzer or anything for it, it's a reminder that seasons change just like Expose said they do. Now we are in the middle of Fall and Winter is approaching. It's reminds me of a piece I wrote about Fall (my favorite season for fashion) last year. I wanted to share it before the season ended and we entered my least favorite season. I actually don't know if Winter is anybody's favorite season, unless they're a penguin...

The First Day of Fall: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania skyline photograph, taken from the West End Overlook. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Everyone knows that I have ha...
