A Working Mom's Secret to Success on Valentine's Day: Manage Expectations...

Lady celebrating Valentine's Day at Eddie V's "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde  Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. The roots of Valentine’s Day roots go back to St. Valentine, a priest in the early Christian Church known for his compassion and commitment to love. He was a defender of faith, hope, and kindness, reminding us that love is not just a feeling—it’s an action. And, this year I have learned that being free on Valentine's Day is better than living a lie. Valentine's Day, like Christmas, comes every year. However, unlike Christmas, Valentine's Day is about romantic love an...

Reading on the Run: Sex and the Future

Hanging at Perle!
"Let's talk about sex baby..."

Successful working women keep track of important matters in the news. However, we are not one-dimensional. Some of us also want to keep up with celebrity gossip and fashion news too. Even in the era of the Internet and 24 hour news shows and E!, it can be challenging to keep up with everything.

Fortunately for you, I make it my job to keep up on articles of interest and resources to working moms and when I find notable ones, I share them with you. Below is one that sparked my interest because it suggests that one day, sex will just be for recreation and not reproduction.

Sex and the working mom is complicated...

The old adage is you shouldn't discuss sex, religion or politics. However, this is a personal blog. So all bets are off! Generally bloggers write about how working moms need to prioritize their lives to ensure that they have time to "do it all".  The discussion does not often include sex and personal relationships, but it should.

That said, most working moms became mothers because at some point they found time for sex and the next thing they knew they were knocked up. Well, one developer of the birth control pill believes that sex will no longer be for procreation, because of assisted reproductive technology. Instead, sex will only be for recreation. 

While we don't get to have it as often as we'd like, my husband and I enjoy sex. I am also confident that he'd like it more than he's getting it. That isn't a great disclosure is it? I have only revealed that I am married to a a full blooded American male!

As a working mom, I think that sex serves a variety of purposes, recreation, procreation, and distraction... It's complicated and useful for a variety of things. The article below suggests that soon people may consciously have sex "just for fun". I think that's the reason most folks get pregnant anyhow.  Maybe that's just me though...

'Sex Will Be Just For Fun by 2050 as We All Switch to IVF,' Pill Inventor Claims

November 10 , 2014
by: Lizzie Dearden 

(Originally published in The Independent)
One of the developers of the contraceptive pill has predicted his own invention will become redundant as more people choose to be sterilised, making sex purely recreational by 2050.
