Let's celebrate!!! Quarter Finalist Fab Over 40 (#FabOver40)

Vote for Chaton, Fab Over 40 Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to win this contest. I feel like a country music song. And yet, it is my life! 

Working Mom Comments: John Oliver Realizes that it's Hard to be a Working Mom in America

English: Graph of Maternity Leave in Americas
English: Graph of Maternity Leave in Americas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If I weren’t already married, I’d be trying to date John Oliver. He gets it. He captured the plight of the American working woman on his recent show entitled, “Why It Sucks To Be A Working Mother In America”. He pointed out how schizophrenic the country is. On the one hand we extol the virtues of motherhood while we simultaneously fail to support mothers. We say that nothing is more important than family and fail to pass family/friendly legislation and most companies are reluctant to establish family/friendly policies. Everyone loves babies yet many hate social programs.

While sensational, John Oliver’s piece is poignant and accurate. He touches on everything from the lack of paid maternity leave to many employers failure to accommodate breastfeeding moms. The clever way he portrays it makes it clear that this country's legislative philosophy is pure lunacy. 

The quote below illustrates it best of all.

"If a worker with no paid leave goes into labor at work, she better hope it’s on her lunch hour and that her co-workers don’t mind if the break room gets a bit messy," he said.

What this country decides to do about working mothers will show the measure of our compassion. And since women are graduating from higher education at higher rates than their male counterparts, what we decide to do will also determine our future success.
