One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Advice from a Working Mom: Take a Vacation

Clearwater Beach, Florida

It's summer, which means it is vacation season. However, I have heard a little rumor that somebody killed vacation...

Who Killed Summer Vacation?

Time magazine ran a story, entitled, "Who Killed Summer Vacation", that's really disturbing for working moms. It's proven that workers are working harder. They have longer hours and more responsibilities. And what children needs hasn't changed. They require food, shelter, and time. The competing demands of work and children fuels feelings of guilt on the part of many working moms. And many of us are stressed out about it.

Paid Time Off Is Not Just For Laundry

So many working moms use our Paid Time Off to minimize our stress and catch up on chores. So many people tell me, "I was off yesterday. I had to deal with the cable guy, do the laundry, and take my kids to doctors' appointments." It can be useful for that, but that is not its sole purpose. 

In the interest of full disclosure, I'm guilty too. And as we continue our move, I have used days to unpack our new home too. That said, that is not the entire purpose of Paid Time Off. Paid Time Off can be and should be used as a relief from responsibilities. As my daughter says, "Mommy, we need to relax!

Paid Time Off Is Also For Fun

I've written about how to better manage working and motherhood on a daily basis to minimize the stress and maximize the joy. I'll be writing more about that. So, stay tuned. That said, since summer is upon us, I'd like to encourage all of you to take a summer vacation. Vacations are a time to refresh your soul and reconnect with your family. I recognize that when you have kids, going on vacation can seem like too much work. By the time you pack, travel, unpack, and take care of them someplace else, vacation is a lot of work! Still, it is worth it.

Vacation is Special and Must Be Prioritized

On vacation in Virginia Beach

Vacation is special. On vacation you don't have to go to work, which decreases your obligations and allows you to only focus on your family. Being away from home allows you to get a break from your normal chores, which is a true gift. Maybe you're not able to do shots, sleep in, and party like you did when you were single. Still you can do puzzles, cuddle with your kids, and play on the beach. You have the ability to make memories and those memories become the fabric of your family life.

I encourage every working mom to take the time to take a family vacation. Take whatever type of vacation you can afford that allows you to get away from your house, avoid your routine, forget about your troubles, and enjoy your family. Don't worry about the money or the time away from work. It will pay for itself!

Summer Vacation Tips
