One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Wordless Wednesday (not really): Living in Pittsburgh

As a working mom, I don't really have the luxury of having work time, kid time and gym time. So, I found a way to integrate fitness with my kid time. Living in the city allows me to exercise and simultaneously spend time my kids. It's a win/win!

One of the best thing about living in Pittsburgh is that it is very walkable.  Indeed, last night we walked to the Carnegie Library, bought dinner and went the playground. Because I like to walk, I have a double jog stroller. The stroller should have its own blog actually. It draws attention from passersby who call it the "Escalade of strollers" and comment about how good my kids have it. Despite my son's expression in the photo below, they do have it good and love the stroller...
What he does not love is leaving a good time!

Kids in the stroller

One of the places we love to walk to is the park. Fortunately for us, Pittsburgh has an amazing network of them. As city dwellers, we think it is our responsibility to enjoy as many of them as possible. Indeed, one reason we live in the city as opposed to the suburbs is the proximity to fun, family friendly activities.

Since we have been staying in another part of town with my parents we have gotten to experience other parks than our usual ones. This photo was taken at Frick Park, which is near my parents house. This park has made our time with my parents more enjoyable because it has an old fashioned Merry-Go-Round! 
