One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Bolthouse Farms Products, The Perfect Back-to-School Snacks

Bolthouse Farms Fruit Tubes

I have received compensation in exchange for my honest opinions about these products.   

I’ve always been a bit of a health nut. It probably stems from my college days when I gained the proverbial freshman 15, which motivated me to become an aerobics instructor. The  educational program for becoming a certified instructor includes a discussion of nutrition. That education began a lifelong practice of label reading. So, it made sense that I became a follower of the organic food movement. 

As a mom, my interest in nutrition became even more heightened. As they say, "you are what you eat". For that reason, since they have been born, I have wanted to know exactly what my children are eating.
I practiced extended breastfeeding with both of my children because I am so concerned about what they consume. I want them to be natural, healthy and energized. That simply cannot happen if they eat a bunch of food that is high in sugar and fat.

Fruit Kabob and Banana

Finding Healthy, Tasty Foods is Easier With Bolthouse Farms

It is not enough to identify what food is good for them. With the availability of organic fruits and vegetables in grocery stores, it is relatively easy to identify what healthy food. The challenge for a working mom is how to provide your children with healthful food choices on a regular basis that they will actually eat.  That's right,if your kids are like mine, the food has to be good and taste good in order for them to eat it.

When you have time, you can make your children fruit kabobs and smoothies that are both tasty and good for them.When you don't have time, you need a source of healthy convenient food. At those times, try Bolthouse Farms products. Two products that I love and my kids enjoy are the Bolthouse Farms Kids™ Smoothies and Bolthouse Farms Kids™ Fruit Tubes.

  1. Bolthouse Farms Kids™ Smoothies are packaged in an individual serving "kid-size” bottle for on-the-go occasions in two fun flavors:  Strawberry Meets Banana, Peach Meets Mango.
  2. Bolthouse Farms Kids™ Fruit Tubes are squeezable, slim tubes of real fruit puree blends featuring three fun flavors: Mango Meets Banana & Pineapple, Strawberry Meets Banana, and Blueberry Meets Raspberry.
Toddler enjoying Bolthouse Farms Fruit Tubes
At my house, we like to freeze the fruit tubes because it decreases the mess. Also, my daughter seems to think that a frozen fruit tube is an even bigger treat.

Freezing the Bolthouse Farms Fruit Tubes Makes it Easier

At my house, we like to freeze the fruit tubes because it decreases the mess. Also, my daughter seems to think that a frozen fruit tube is an even bigger treat. Also, if you freeze the tubes, you can place them in their lunch boxes and it will remain fresh until lunchtime and help the other lunch items remain fresh as well.

I have two options for you if you would like to try these tasty treats.
  1. Follow the Snack Mob:  The Snack Mob team will be stopping by select Giant Eagle stores and many community events throughout the region during the next two weeks. At these events you can get FREE samples of Bolthouse Farms Kids™ products. Find the full list of events by clicking here.
  2.  Get a Coupon: Save big on Bolthouse Farms by clicking here
BONUS PRODUCT FEATURE: Making new friends can be hard at the beginning of the school year. Fortunately, Bolthouse Farms has provided the perfect conversation starter, a joke! Each fruit tube contains a joke.
Here's an example: Do you know the fruitiest subject at school? Answer: History, because it has so many dates!!!
Gotta love it!!!
