One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Reading on the Run: Articles of Interest to Working Moms

Successful working women keep track of important matters in the news. However, we are not one-dimensional. Some of us also want to keep up with celebrity gossip and fashion news too. Even in the era of the Internet and 24 hour news shows and E!, it can be challenging to keep up with everything.

Fortunately for you, I make it my job to keep up on articles of interest and resources to working moms and when I find notable ones, I share them with you. Below are a few that sparked my interest. They discuss a wide range of issues related to working mothers from pay to parenting.

The reason that I found them compelling is because they address the heart of the issues that many working moms of small children ask me about. 1) Guilt: Should I feel guilty about the time I spend away from my children; 2) Equality: Do I make enough for my efforts at work; 3) Cost/Benefit Analysis: Does it make sense for me to work when all I am doing is paying for childcare? 

I'd love to get your thoughts!!!

Articles of Interest to Working Moms About Income and Childrearing

  1. Study: Full-time moms don't raise better kids than working moms (Huffington Post Canada) Recently, Lydia Lovric lit up social media with an article in Huffington Post Canada titled "Dear Daughter, Here's Why I Don't Work." In it she describes what she believes her children need and why she is the ideal person to provide it to them. According to a new study, she may be wrong. A new study apparently shows that whether mothers work outside the home has no negative effect on their children's development…
  2. Life Before Equal Pay Day: Portrait of a Working Mother in the 1950s (Time Magazine) In 1956, 16% of women with children under 6 worked outside the home. Twenty-seven-year-old Jennie Magill of Hammond, Ind., was one of them. And she was featured in LIFE Magazine in a special double entitled, “The American Woman: Her Achievements and Her Troubles”. With that article Jennie was introduced to America as the “Working Mother.” It's fascinating to see the woman that created the moniker "Working Mom" that led to the hashtag, #WorkingMom.
  3. My income barely pays for daycare, but I won’t stop working (Washington Post) In this piece the writer discusses why she works, and it is not just about the money. Whether to continue working after having children is a decision many mothers have to make. Some allow the short term challenges and cost to discourage them from working. 
