A Working Mom's Secret to Success on Valentine's Day: Manage Expectations...

Lady celebrating Valentine's Day at Eddie V's "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde  Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. The roots of Valentine’s Day roots go back to St. Valentine, a priest in the early Christian Church known for his compassion and commitment to love. He was a defender of faith, hope, and kindness, reminding us that love is not just a feeling—it’s an action. And, this year I have learned that being free on Valentine's Day is better than living a lie. Valentine's Day, like Christmas, comes every year. However, unlike Christmas, Valentine's Day is about romantic love an...

Wordless Wednesday: Fighting Colds...

We have been battling colds in my house for the better part of a month. Some people battle colds gracefully. I tend to be filled with so much mucus that I wind up coughing like I am hacking up a lung and blowing my nose like I am an incubus of the plague. 

Indeed, last week I attended a meeting where people nearly sprayed me with Lysol! Someone had the nerve to ask me, "Are you sick?" I resisted the urge to say no, all of this tissue around me is merely a fashion statement!

The entire thing has been an ordeal, especially since we have been fighting it using a series of fairly ineffective homeopathic options. I think that our daughter picked up some germs at Kindergarten and they have been circulating throughout our house and now Andre has it. I know that we will all recover, but until we do, have pity on us. This photo really captures it...
