A Working Mom's Secret to Success on Valentine's Day: Manage Expectations...

Lady celebrating Valentine's Day at Eddie V's "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde  Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. The roots of Valentine’s Day roots go back to St. Valentine, a priest in the early Christian Church known for his compassion and commitment to love. He was a defender of faith, hope, and kindness, reminding us that love is not just a feeling—it’s an action. And, this year I have learned that being free on Valentine's Day is better than living a lie. Valentine's Day, like Christmas, comes every year. However, unlike Christmas, Valentine's Day is about romantic love an...

Key to Success as a Working Mom: Negotiating With Your Partner

Alcohol helps makes negotiations go smoothly...
A couple of years ago, I reviewed a book entitled, Getting to 50/50: How Working Parents Can Have It All. It's a great book that discusses how, in dual income households, having each parent do their fair share is the key to succeeding as a working mom. That may seem like a basic concept for non-parents or single parents. However, as a married working mom, I believe that negotiating with my husband is among the hardest things that I have ever had to do. As you read that, remember, I am an attorney and competed for the Apprentice and was interviewed by Donald Trump!

Working Moms Need to Negotiate With Their Partners

Achieving equity in a household is real work when both parents work unless you have loads of money. I actually spoke to a good older friend this week who said she never asked her husband to do housework and she didn't do it either because she had never been trained to do it. Since I know that she always has an impeccable home, I knew that what she wasn't saying was "I had help". If that is your situation, God bless you and send me some $$$ if you can spare it. For everyone else, check out the link to my book review below and the video where the authors were interviewed. 

Negotiating with your spouse may be hard work, but it is necessary if you want to balance your duties in your stilettos without losing your mind... 

Chaton's World: A Working Mom's Quest for Balance in Stilettos© : Getting to 50/50: How Working Parents Can Have It ...:
