Holidays are the times to build great family memories! I used to wonder why holidays mattered, but now I get it. Life gets hard and complicated, especially when you are a working mom. Working moms have to do everything that all other moms do, but we have to do it in heels and in much less time. The stress of it all can get overwhelming. Like a tea pot, eventually, the steam gets to be too much and we scream!
Dad taking his kids to church |
All of that stress can make even the best working mom forget what's important. Then, when it gets to be too much, another holiday comes. Fortunately, for us, the holidays tend to run with the seasons. So, when the Christmas season fervor has subsided and we need a reminder, when we need a break, Easter comes to resurrect our hope. Easter renews our spirit and reminds us that renewal is possible and forgiveness has been given.
With every holiday, our goal is to make it memorable for the kids. Since this Easter we had perfect weather in Pittsburgh, we decided to take advantage and had an old fashioned Easter Egg Hunt. We planned the event properly. We had signs, baskets, and of course eggs. As the photos illustrate, the kids thoroughly enjoyed it!
Easter Presents for our kids |
The other great blessing this weekend was the outpouring of love from our family. My husband decided to host an Easter Egg decorating party. It has become an annual affair. Our family has come to enjoy it and they bless our kids in the most amazing ways. We had lots of family present and others who participated via Facetime. Above is a photo of presents given to our kids by our ambitious auntie who peruses Pinterest like a pro (and a dress given to our daughter by my mom). These acts of generosity from extended family reinforces the message--Christ lives in each of us and we are all in this journey together.
The "Official" Easter Baskets |