I received some merchandise and compensation to provide my honest opinions about Course Hero.
As the child of an educator, a
mom with a school aged child, and someone who trains professionals, how people learn
fascinates me. In elementary school, middle school and high school, I did well
rather easily. Then in college and law school, when there was so much
information to retain and comprehend, and so many other things to distract me,
I had to implement techniques to assist me. I used mnemonics and other aids to
help me.
Most of my study aids were self-developed. Preparing those tools took a lot of time.
While some of that time was worthwhile, as I was doing it, I knew had to be a
better way.
Course Hero May Be The Most Innovative Study Aid Tool
As a working mom, I am all about
identifying tools that can help my kids succeed, in part because I am so busy
that I imagine there will come a time when I won’t be able to do homework with
them. I also refuse to be the helicopter mom who is doing their college
homework because as much as I love them, I want them to be self-sufficient!
Browse millions of study resources, and find
what you need
Ask tutors for help: we have subject-matter
experts available 24/7
Share your study materials and build a better
learning community
our community of more than 10 million students and educators!
In my opinion, Course Hero is a
student, and working mom’s, dream. It has turned some of the world’s most
fascinating novels into infographics that help readers quickly understand a
book. It’s not a replacement for reading. Rather, it is like providing students
with a visual summary that ties the book together. If read before the book, it
whets their appetite. Course Hero also provides study aids and online tutoring.
Anything that promotes reading makes me happy.
So, Course Hero is a huge win in
my book!
For that reason, I was thrilled
when Course Hero contacted me to help them publicize their product. I was also
thrilled for another reason. Their promotional product featured little known
facts about Alice in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass and I had the
opportunity to get a sneak peek of the movie “Walt Disney Pictures' Alice Through the Looking Glass” in Orlando earlier this month and learned
production secrets from Suzanne Todd, the movie’s producer.
Want to
learn 12 Things About Alice's Adventures in Wonderland That
Will Shock You, Click here. Let me know your thoughts.