As you saw from a prior post my family was selected for an ad campaign. As is the case with these sorts of things, the ultimate decision is made by the client. In this case the client decided to cut the kids and to just keep us. I was surprised because I thought that we were the least attractive part of the deal. I thought the kids were carrying us!
Getting "the look" |
In this case, we survived because the theme of the ad campaign is, "home is the hotness"! Well that's not the exact theme, but it's something like that. So, they decided that Andre and I should portray a young couple enjoying a night at home together after work. I think they may have been stalking me because they requested that I work on my laptop in the photo shoot. Imagine, me sitting in my kitchen typing on my laptop after work.
A peek into how it started to come together |
Art was definitely imitating life today!
Because it was such a natural setting for us and familiar activities we were able to really enjoy the day. So, basically I got paid to hang out with my husband joking around, drinking wine, and getting our photographs taken. It was the most fun that I have ever had earning a paycheck.
The photographer and client representatives seemed pleased with our performance. Seriously, I have to give it to Andre. Although he can be a bit of a jerk when I try to take his photograph, he rallied for the shoot. He smiled when need, acted surprised, and even offered ideas for improving the feel of the photos. He even seemed to enjoy it.
All in all it was a great day; and we had a little time before we had to get the kids to have a cocktail at the end of the day. Hopefully, they give us a chance to do it again!