@Work |
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today. To get through this thing called life." –Prince, "Let's Go Crazy" 1984
As Labor Day approaches it has me thinking even more intensely about the working mom journey. This journey that we are sharing together, where we simultaneously work two full time jobs. This journey that is full of labor and if we are not careful does not have enough joy...
We have to be mindful that life can be full of splendor and wonder. And, we have choices about the kind of life that we lead. On one extreme, we can choose a path that is filled with love, joy and passion. On the other, we can choose a path that is filled with heartache, misery, and boredom. Or, we can choose a path that is simply dull—one full of to-do lists, frustrations and obligation.
Working moms especially have to be careful not to make life itself feel simply like one big chore. Life is too precious for that.
Life is to be enjoyed and not endured.
#Poolside |
That is not to say that anybody's life can be completely devoid of work and sacrifice. However, as my friend Ski-ter told me long ago—"Life is to be enjoyed; and not endured." It is true that the mandatory yet mundane Often we let work, housework, and the mandatory yet mundane aspects of life distract us from fun and enjoyment. Those chores are hard and necessary for the function of our homes, but they are not what life is about.
Recently, as I was cursing the laundry, dust bunnies and dirty dishes I had an epiphany. Those chores exist because I have a family. I do them in order to provide a wonderful home for my family. Once I chose to embrace this family life, I took on a lot of responsibilities. However, I also have been paid in spades with the joy that my kids give me.
So, on this holiday weekend, I am choosing to truly enjoy my life in all of its messy, challenging, and wonderful obligations. I encourage you to do the same.
Send me your photos!!!