Working Mom enjoying a PTO day |
Whether you like her politics or
not, you really can’t knock Hillary Clinton’s hustle. She became a lawyer at a time when there weren’t
a lot of women in the game, especially at the “Big Law” level. She also
continued to work Full Time after having her child before doing so was the
topic of television shows, magazine articles and at the center of political
campaigns. (Probably because her husband was pursuing the noble yet underpaid
career of a low level politician. Who knew he was going to become president and
go on to have a multi-million dollar speaking career?! Maybe she did, but that’s
a topic for another day.)
She wasn’t so much as a pioneer
as a trailblazer. And while her path may have been easier because of her Ivy
League education, she did it—in heels!
Part of the reason I maintain
this blog is to provide lessons for other women who are my sisters in the “working
mom struggle”. For that reason, I am sharing this article penned by Hillary Clinton
that appeared in Fortune magazine entitled, “
I Learned From Being a Mom Who Works”. I thought we might all learn
something from the working mom who is attempting to break through the ultimate
glass ceiling.
Like I said initially, you do not
have to support her in order to respect the fact that she did the damn thing and
seems to have raised a well-adjusted kid.
While the piece is a little heavy on
policy and short on personal stories (probably because she’s in the middle of a
campaign), I find it sobering to learn that she had to create her firm’s
maternity leave policy because no woman had ever returned to work after having
a baby. All of us who are in the midst of the working mom journey should thank
her and our other foremothers who had the courage to ask, to fight, and to
demand what they were entitled to—the right to be female and work.