One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Being a Working Mom During the Holiday Season and Other Topics

A day at the office...
"We working moms kill ourselves trying to be Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker because we're wracked with mom guilt if we can't give our kids that idyllic childhood..." Sandra Scott Simons, MD "Holiday-Mom Guilt: Is it January Yet?"

Sometimes people ask me why I focus my blog on "working moms". They say things like, "Aren't we all just moms?  I mean all moms work hard. Isn't the term, 'working mom' an oxymoron at best and divisive at worst?" I complete understand their points of view. My response is everyone gets to define themselves how they'd like. What I know is that the term "working mom" resonates with me. I also know that those who also define themselves that way are my tribe! 

My tribe includes, Sandra Scott Simons, MD, an ED doctor who wrote an inspired piece entitled,"Holiday-Mom Guilt: Is it January Yet?"about the guilt that often plagues working moms especially during the holiday season. I'd submit that working moms experience that guilt on birthdays, snack days, Sundays, and days when their kids have field trips, when they choose a shower over story time, when they leave their screaming kid at daycare all the while trying to convince themselves that having their kid forcibly removed from their leg in hysteria and leaving that child in that combined fit of abandonment and pain is somehow achieving a greater good. 

The screaming is your kid calling bulls--t on your greater good and you really have no good response.
Part of the reason I insist on defining myself as a working mom is because I often need validation from my tribe in a direct way. I need to hear that being a working mom is hard and that it is OK to be conflicted about the entire set-up.  For that reason, I receive Google Alerts that help me find these validating stories. Because I think that you might also be in need of encouragement at the end of this first workweek after Thanksgiving, I am sharing these with you.


Working Mom
Daily update  December 2, 2016

Joy Black, working mom of 2, thanks God for food banks
Donate now: This story is part of a series CBC Manitoba is rolling out in the coming days as part of our annual charity drive in support of local food ...
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Tara Sharma talks about motherhood and no women should miss it
“Moreover, the society should not be judgmental about one's choice. So, one does not have to prove how good working mom she is by staying in office ...
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Kids of Christmas families need support
Her mother works full time and is going to school part-time. Dad works full time. She would love to have an Ice Skating My Life doll. She needs jeans ...
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Gift Guide: A Working Parent's Primer for Buying Toys in Dallas
From the day I informed my mother that I accidentally got pregnant (we're all adults here, right?) she has repeated the same working-mom mantra over ...
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Simons, Sandra Scott MD
We working moms kill ourselves trying to be Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker because we're wracked with mom guilt if we can't give our kids that ...
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10 Of The Most Embarrassing Moments You'll Experience When Pumping At Work
So, for working moms whose babies drink breast milk, it's no surprise that there will be more than a few embarrassing moments when pumping at work ...
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Moms who want to get away, get centered are heading to retreats just for them
"I obviously needed a refill during these trying times of being a mom, wife, ... There are mini-retreats for busy or working moms or moms on a budget, ...
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The One Question That Will Change Your Life and Career
Answering this honestly can really make a difference for your future.
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Trying to help single working mom
I am trying to help a single mom and her little boy back on their feet. ... and mom got a new job but needs help with clothes, including work clothes.
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