One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Five Stress Management Tips for Working Moms

Me and a girl friend attending an event (Photo Credit: Fawn Robinson)

There is this notion that working moms have super powers. And while it is true that we are able to leap over small children in a single bound, we are mere mortals. That means that having to fulfill competing obligations can sometimes get to us. We may be reluctant to discuss our stress levels with others because we believe that feeling stressed is a sign of weakness. We can be self-critical believing that  if we were more organized, more energetic, or more focused, we wouldn't be stressed.

Here is the truth. You are not alone. Experiencing stress goes along with the gig. Trying to please employers, spouses and children mean that working moms are pulled in three separate directions. It's no wonder that at times we feel as if we are tearing at the seems...
Here's the statistic:
1 in 4 working moms cry alone, survey finds. It's time to find solutions.Chicago Tribune One in four working moms say they cry alone at least once a week because of household-related stress, and 29 percent won't hire outside help ...
I understand why the working moms in the survey referenced above are crying alone. However, I also know that crying alone is not productive. It also won't clean the house. Working moms need to find ways to feel validated even if they have dust bunnies. Because the truth is, our worth is not in our shiny floors. It is in the value that we provide to our organizations and those we love. So, find ways to remind yourself of that, regularly.

What I am saying is, even though experiencing stress is normal, how we respond to that stress is entirely within our control. Below are five ways that I manage stress.
  1. Spending time with friends.
  2. Enjoying date night with my husband.
  3. Making time for quality time with my kids.
  4. Incorporating exercise into my day.
  5. Feeling valued at my job.
Bonus: Not allowing housework to overwhelm me.  I elicit as much help as possible with my housework. I get babysitters to help with the kids laundry, rooms and kitchen. (Andre also helps a lot. He recently cleaned the entire mess made from our son's birthday party. That deserves a special shout out!) Since the fall, I have been having people come to do a deep cleaning of our house every 4-6 weeks. It has really helped us keep things  from getting out of control. I also try to make sure that our downstairs is presentable every Friday so that I don't greet the weekend with a messy house. 

Below are a few additional articles that contain stress management tips.

Stress Management Tips for the Working Mom

Apr 14, 2014 - I've had the pleasure of staying at home with my children and working outside the home, but I have always been a “working mom” — after all, ...

Stress Relief Tips for Working Moms - Verywell › ... › The Basics of Stress Management

Aug 18, 2016 - Working moms face stress that can lead to slowed productivity, feelings of ... as well as long-term stress management strategies in place, like a ...

7 Top Tips for Handling Stress as a Working Mom › Wellness › Sleep

Apr 23, 2015 - Hints on how frazzled working moms can de-stress and manage that crazy daily juggle. For more parenting tips, visit P&G everyday today! ... View All · Family Health · Healthy Smile · Healthy Eating · Fitness · Sleep · Beauty .... Try to work out these priorities well ahead of time, so it isn't a constant stressor.
