The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Hope You Had a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Our family at Disney On Ice #DisneySMMC

“May the peace of God – which surpasses all understanding – guard your hearts and minds…”

This Thanksgiving season, please remember to count your many blessings!  Please know that my family and I wish you peace, love, and prosperity. Remember to celebrate victories, great and small. Also, remember this, nothing is promised—not tomorrow, not the next moment, and not your next breath. Accordingly, be generous with your love and affection, be kind, and be grateful.

Our Thanksgiving place setting minus the napkins! ;-)

One thing that we are grateful for is this blog and my readers. This blog gives me a creative outlet, allows me to share my journey with you and helps me to inspire other moms who are on this working mom journey with me. Also, your support has opened doors for me and my family and created opportunities for us that we would not have but for your support.

So, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!
