One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Five Ways Legal Insurance Can Help You Maximize Your Household

I am participating in a blogger program for ARAG and have been provided compensation in exchange for sharing my honest opinions about the product.

“Momager” is a term coined by Kris Jenner the mom of the Kardashian clan and brains behind their franchise. Even if few of us are managing our kids reality TV career, I think that the term applies to all moms. Here’s why. 

Although life has changed a lot since the 1950's one truism remains, women are the managers of the household. And before you send me comments about how there's this one divorced guy who has custody of his five daughters and is doing it all-including cornrowing hair--by himself, let me put this into context. This post is all about heterosexual married couples. And in those relationships, the majority of the time, women are "doin' it for themselves" and for their spouses.

Use ARAG Legal Insurance to Help You Manage Your Household

Having legal insurance allows you to have an attorney on speed dial at a fraction of the cost!

For that reason, I wanted to prepare a post that gave some tips to my sisters about household management. Let's be clear, for years, my profiles said, that I was "struggling to keep my house clean". So, I will not be providing housecleaning tips. Instead, I'll be providing tips about how women can help their families preserve their sanity and assets by purchasing legal insurance. And that is news you can use.

Most people think of lawyers when they have an unresolved conflict and would like to sue. Common examples of those conflicts are neighbor disputes, employment matters, and divorce. However, what if you love your neighbors like family, think your job is your true calling, an are convinced that your spouse was sent from God himself?! If that is true, call me. I can coach you about how you can sell whatever you're smoking for a profit. Seriously, if those things are true you can still need an attorney because attorneys preserve your asset and prepare for the future. That means attorneys can help you have fewer surprises and save more of your money. And who doesn't want that?!

Here's the thing, paying for a lawyer can be cost-prohibitive for cash strapped families. That is why you should consider legal insurance. It can help you reduce the cost of paying for an attorney while still allowing you to meet your current and future needs.

Legal Insurance Can Help You At All Phases of Life (ARAG)  

  1. Hiring an attorney to update your will-If you have been fruitful and multiplying like I have been over the last eight years, you may be in need of a will that includes all of your children, a comprehensive estate plan that adequately addresses your needs and concerns, or at the very least, a substitute decision-maker consent form for your kids while you are on a romantic vacation with your spouse. (I wrote that last one while laughing because who has time for that when you have three small children?!)
  2. Hiring an attorney to fight with your insurance company-You buy home and car insurance to help you when an unfortunate event or accident occurs. You expect the reimbursement process to be easy, right? You expect it to go like this-experience an event, file a claim, and get your cash. Sometimes though, your beliefs about your insurance coverage differs from your carriers. When this happens, you may find yourself with lots of questions about why you didn't get paid what you expected. when that happens, an attorney can help.
  3. Hiring an attorney to assist you with your parent's estate-Although we would like to believe that our parents will be healthy and vibrant for ever, that may change. You may find yourself in the position where you need to help your parents manage their households. A power of attorney is a document that allows you to access someone else's bank account and pay their bills without them having to be with you. An attorney can walk you through what needs to be done to make that happen.
  4. Hiring an attorney for end of life concerns-At some point, all of us will reach the end of our lives and be unable to make decisions for ourselves. You can make the process easier for your healthcare providers and loved ones by speaking for yourself now. Consult an attorney about your state's process for identifying a surrogate decision-maker to make healthcare decisions on behalf of someone else.
  5. Hiring an attorney to help you create a trust or a will-These days, a lot of families look very different from what they used to look like. Who you consider "family" may not even be your blood relative. The lack of a common bloodline doesn't diminish the significance of those folks in your lives. However, it does mean that you need to work a little harder to ensure that your family relationship is respected by the courts when you die. With a little though, planning, and an attorney, you can ensure that your desires are followed.
