First Day of First Grade 2016 |
It’s hard to believe that
summer is nearly over and school starts in a couple of week. That means that in
Pittsburgh, we are knee deep in back-to-school season! It’s hard for me to
comprehend that some of my friends in Georgia returned to school in July. That’s
summer people!
Back-to-School Means Doing a lot of Shopping
Anyway, back-to-school means shopping. We have three
children. The older two are in preschool and elementary school respectfully and
the baby is in daycare. The baby is relatively easy because his needs remain
constant. He needs diapers and changes of clothes wherever he goes. He also
needs breast milk, which fortunately has been in ample supply and now he’s
starting on solids. He needs those things whether he’s at home or daycare. So,
I’ve got that process on lock (at least theoretically).
Back-to-school for the other two requires planning. There is
the review of “the list”. Gone are the days when kids went to school and the
school actually had what they needed. No, these days kids go to school and parents
have to budget in order to buy school supplies that actually go to the school
for them to use.
Let that sink in for a minute...
And since one of our kids is in private school and the other is in
public school, I can tell you that “the list” is ubiquitous. I have one for
each. I’d be game for just giving each teacher a check and say, “Have at it,
get what you need.” Unfortunately, that isn’t an option. And so, I review the
lists and visit Amazon to ensure that I get the supplies—because I don’t want
to be “that” mom. Just so you know, “the list” includes Montessori slippers
because I guess Montessori kids have a special need for comfort…
In addition to “the list”, there is also the clothes
shopping. I’ll admit, that’s the fun part for me. I’ve never met a store that I
didn’t like and buying clothes for my kids is fun for me. That said, I have
certain rules I follow. I like inexpensive, quality, durable clothes. My kids
are 7 and 4, which means these are clothes they’ll grow out of, perhaps before
the year is over, and they like to do things that kids do, like climb and play.
That said, both like to be stylish. I’m not entirely sure where that gene came
from—but read my tag line!
Shopping at Discount Stores is a Way to Keep Your Kids Stylish Without Breaking the Bank
In this regard, discount designer stores have been my saving
grace. I have bought their school clothes from Nordstrom Rack and Marshall’s. (My biggest score yet? A pair of 7 For All Mankind®
jeans for $13.00!) I
remember going back-to-school shopping with my mommy. However, my kids may not get to have
that same experience. Since I have three young children, I actually do very
little shopping with them. Just thinking about it almost makes me break out in
hives and shopping is one of my favorite things to do!
I do my shopping online
and then, when I happen to find myself near an outlet store I stop in and pick
up some things. So far, my kids haven’t complained. I think that they think “clothes
just show up”. And while they don’t show up by magic. It is nice to tackle the
task at hand without interruption.