One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

The Secret to Saving Time Everyday, Wear a Uniform

When life gets super busy—your kids have school performances, you have to go out of town for work, your husband has a deadline—there’s a heightened need to cut time out of your schedule. However, you may be confused about how to do that when your schedule is already lean. One option is to find a uniform that works for you.

I work for a health system but I am not a health care provider. Still, I work closely with them. At times, I cannot suppress my jealousy that they get to come to work wearing the same thing every day. Life is challenging enough without trying to coordinate your outfits every day. Still, nobody has invented scrubs for regular people. And while I have thought about wearing them to show everyone what a team player I am, I don’t think that would fly with our executives. As a lawyer, a certain look is expected.

Still, I barely have time to brush my teeth, let alone coordinate outfits. Also, looking good every day has always been my thing—long before it was a part of my brand. I even get compliments on my outfits from acquaintances and strangers most days.   So, I must be doing a fairly decent job. (Note my intentional hedging language. To say that I’m “killin’ it”, would make me sound arrogant. Also, I believe in Karma and think those kinds of statements make the universe humble you. In that vain, I am simply adequate! 😊)

Working Moms Need a Uniform

My uniform is fairly simple. I generally wear a dress and a chunky necklace. One, dresses are one piece so the need to coordinate is obviated. Second, dresses provide protection from the elements. I walk between buildings a lot for work. If it rains, pants are a liability. Also, my pants tend to be hemmed for my heels. So, wearing flats makes them drag, which makes them dirty. Since I barely have time to brush my teeth, I sure as hell don’t have time to go to the dry cleaners on a consistent basis. Third, most of my dresses can be washed in the machine. I have three small children, which includes an infant. They are constantly touching me with dirty hands. (See comment about dry cleaners.) Four, my closet is coordinated by color. So, I can quickly pick out my dresses and wear whatever my mood is feeling. Truth be told, it takes me about 15 minutes, on average to put on full make up and get dressed. I can cut it to seven minutes if I apply partial make up and finish in the car.

Yoga Pants for the Office May Be Your Saving Grace

I got an email today from Lululemon, a brand long known for providing women with trendy, comfortable wok out wear. They were advertising—get this—their career line. I have no way of knowing whether the woman in the advertising is a mom, but the first thing I thought of is, “This may be the answer to the prayers of every working mom everywhere!” I’ve heard lots of moms say, “I wish I could live in my yoga pants.” Well, it looks like Lululemon heard you and has answered. To see their options, click Lululemon Career Choices. If you try these, let me know. They’re priced a little high for my budget. So, I may have to pass. Still, the ad has inspired my thoughts and motivated me to see if I can find something similar to rock on the days when I literally have to run out of the door!

Best wishes to you on your quest for an efficient morning!!!

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