Party at the Pumpkin Fest! |
"Having children just puts the whole world into perspective." Kate Winslet
As I discussed the other
week, greeting your work day on Monday with gratitude can help you start the week with renewed focus. Photos can help you remember your memories of the weekend and feel good about being at work. The truth is, you do it all for your kids and remembering that can erase all of the angst you may feel about beginning the workday. Working is not an exercise in futility. You have purpose. It has purpose. And making these memories is very important.
Life is about making memories, like fall traditions
If you are blessed with the gift of years, you experience many experiences. The calendar goes day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month. With those changes comes the changes in weather and the holidays. This year, summer was extended. Indeed, it seemed as if fall would never arrive. However, finally, the frost came, the sky became overcast, and just like that Halloween season was here! (For a link to our family getting into the Halloween spirit, click
@PumpkinFest |
We have enjoyed Pumpkin Fest for the past three years. Each year, the experience is different. Last year, I was pregnant and relied on the kindness of my friend Julia. She took my kids around at the festival while I took a nap in the care. I missed that. When you're pregnant people give you so many passes. things like abandoning your kids at a festival so that you can nap is normalized. Well you know what, I was tired this year too, but no naps in the car allowed! (For more information about Monday Motivation click
Four Family Friendly Halloween Tips
Well, this Monday morning I am reflecting on this trip to Pumpkin Fest. We arrived late with three kids in tow. One was congested. The other two were highly motivated to have fun. And their chauffeur mama was tired. So, the mama wore the baby who cooperated by falling asleep. The other kids had fun, although they realized that they didn't do as many activities as last year. Like, they didn't get to ride the pony or the train. Still, everybody was happy that we attended the festival. So, it was an epic win! (For more information about our fall traditions, click