“Empowerment of and investment in girls are key in breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence and in promoting and protecting the full and effective enjoyment of their human rights”-United Nations Resolution 66/170
I heard Michelle
Obama discussing the International Day of the Girl this morning on the Today
Show. As she discussed about the hopes and dreams she has for her daughters and
their accomplishments, it got me thinking about my own daughter and what I want
for her. She is a free spirit, full of spunk, adventure, and optimism. She loves her family, her friends and fun. On her birthday, I posted this on
In the midst of these politically
charged times, this beautiful girl had a birthday. She represents the best part
of me and I pray that she grows up in a country that values her voice, respects
her history and protects her rights. My desire to make the world better for her
influences all of my decisions. We shouldn’t lose sight of our obligation to
make this country safe place for our girls as we debate issues.
Her birthday was on September 25th
in the midst of the Kavenaugh hearings. So, that is the climate that influenced
my comments. Today, post the Kavenaugh confirmation, I am mindful of those words and
also the reality of what it means to be a little Black girl in America in this
era. However, I am also reminded of this. My grandmothers were born into the segregated South
and managed to overcome their circumstances. So, on this “International Day of
the Girl” I am committed to educating my daughter about her full history so that she understands that no man (or woman) can place limits on her.
(For a link to my blog post to her on her birthday, click here.)
Despite Recent Events, The World Is Full of Hope and Promise for Girls
Yes, things are crazy right now,
but still she rises. And in the midst of
this craziness, certain women, like Michelle Obama, and me, are galvanized to promote
change and protect our girls. All that I am and all that I have, I will use to improve this world for my daughter and for all of our daughters. Let us remind them that even though Kavenaugh is on the United States
Supreme Court, God remains on the throne and WE PRESS ON.
For more information about the International Day of the Girl, click