One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

A Pittsburgh Halloween

The Wasp Trick or Treating

We distinguish ourselves by our ability to overcome after adversity. Today, four days after the massacre that occurred at "Tree of Life" synagogue, Pittsburghers celebrated Halloween.  My family celebrated with two Halloween parades, one at each of the schools that my kids attend. The first parade began at 9:00 AM and the second began at 2:00 PM. That was fortunate for me because I planned to attend both and I was able to achieve my goal!

I also took off work. 

Working Moms You'll Never Regret Taking Halloween Off 

Working moms, here's a bit of free advice, when Halloween falls on a weekday, taking off works is essential. If you fail to heed that advice chances are you'll likely get stressed out by trying to meet your company's needs and your kids' needs simultaneously. I am very grateful that I had the foresight  to arrange my schedule to take the day off like I have done for the past three years.

Pittsburgh Halloween

I started taking off Halloween when my daughter was in First grade. The prior year, I didn't take the day off and it stressed me out! When she was in Kindergarten, I left work to attend my daughter's Halloween parade, went back to work, and then left work to go home. The ride home was treacherous. I wound up getting stuck in traffic and I cursed nearly the entire way home. So, I arrived home upset and that definitely interfered with my Halloween enjoyment.

That day, I vowed to take the day off.  I wanted to be fully present in our Halloween festivities and not begin trick or treating by trying to shake off a hectic commute. I've never regretted using my precious time off for Halloween. Taking the day off has promoted my state of mind and my kids' happiness. On Halloween instead of being the mom pulled in many directions, I am the mom who's focused on them. I am the mom who shows up for the Halloween parade, has a hot dinner waiting, and ensures that everyone has their costumes ready for school.

True confession: I also tend to hire people to help me clean the house so that a dirty home isn't hanging over my head on Halloween. I don't want anything distracting me from the fun! 
The Black Panther

Experiencing Halloween With My Community Was Reaffirming 

This year was like the others, but it was different. All of the adults were aware of the tragedy that occurred at the Tree of Life Synagogue just days before. I noticed things that I may have overlooked previously. I noticed the bravery of the parents who took their kids trick or treating even with the uncertainty that exists in the world. I noticed the kindness demonstrated by strangers to the children who often looked nothing like them. I was particularly touched by the adults who went out of their way to ensure that my children had a fun evening.

The experience made me realize that the community will heal by honoring traditions like trick or treating. These traditions remind us that we are in this together and that love can conquer hate. All evening, we heard laughter, saw kids running house to house without fear, and even saw a mom nursing her baby on the porch. Seeing her nursing that baby made my heart sing. And when my daughter said, "Mommy, I wish it were Halloween everyday!" I knew that healing had already begun.

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