One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

The Top Fifteen Free Things Life Has to Offer

Mother and daughter at Scene 75 
Being a working mom can sometimes seem like an economics class—a study of the scarcity of resources. We often feel like we lack the time, energy and resources to do everything we'd like to do, or at least do them right.

Lately though, because of a variety of things, I have remembered that the best things in life are both plentiful and free. This Monday, reflect on what is good in this world and in your life. Bask in those thoughts and let the feelings of gratitude come through. There are enough things to make us feel frantic--like the traffic I confront on the way to work can be a nightmare. When I am early, it's light and when I leave later than I want, it's heavy. OY!
Anyway, below is a list of some of the things that help settle my mind when life gets crazy! Have a great week!!!

The Top Fifteen Free Things Life Has to Offer

1.       Basking in the sun.  The sunshine has the power to heal, energize, and seduce.We visited Presque Isle for Labor Day and did something we rarely do, sat outside soaking up rays without any agenda. Indeed, basking in the sun is one of life's greatest gifts. This time at the beach reminded me of the sun's immense power.
2.       Gazing at the sky. Even the most skilled artist has yet to capture what I feel when I gaze at an intense blue sky full of fluffy white clouds.
3.       The smell of summer. That indescribably sweet smell- has a way of filling my soul with hope and wonder.
4.       The surprise of the wind. A powerful gust has thrilled me as it mussed my hair and threatened to blow my skirt up.
5.       The majesty of Pittsburgh's rivers. They captivate me every morning as I drive to work.
6.       The luxury of sleep. Napping on a weekend afternoon is a sheer indulgence. With the kids, this happens so rarely. However, when it does, I feel like I have hit the lottery!
7.       A long walk. I have found that it has the power to answer most of my questions.
8.       A heartfelt hug. There have been times when hug like this has resolved my fears.
9.       Pausing. Closing my eyes and breathing deeply has calmed my spirit, even when followed by a good cry.
10.   An animal. The unexpected sight of our neighborhood rabbit has made me giggle.
11.   A long sensual kiss, for its own sake. I have learned that not all kisses are created equally, some are truly special.
12.   The right words. Hearing "I love you" "I'm sorry" "I'll always be there" has made everything alright.
13.   A smile from a baby. I've had the privilege of birthing three of my own children. Still, a smile from any baby touches my heart!
14.   Hearing a child take delight in an experience. Children take pleasure in life's simplicity--the taste of candy, jumping in a pile of leaves, even spilling water on the floor. They laugh because life is this great adventure they have embarked on. We're on the journey with them, but sometimes, we forget... 
15.   A sunrise. Seeing the sun rise always renews my faith.
Lest you think that I have moved to Utopia. I must confess I still have some challenges at work. I feel some rage when people cut me off while driving. I get annoyed when people bump into me without saying excuse me. I sometimes covet things that I see in magazines, like Christian Louboutin shoes... I lust after the leisure life that I see played out in "Town and Country". And, I wish that I had a personal assistant...
However, neither the frustrations nor the desires last long because I know the truth. I am blessed. I am  also surrounded by life's pleasures, which are waiting to be enjoyed. I have been honored to experience a lot of them already. And, I am filled with the expectancy of experiencing them again.

