One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Sometimes Working Moms Who Lean In Get Pushed Back

On top of the highest building between Chicago and New York
Referring to leaning in, "[s]ometimes that s- -t doesn't work." -Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama made a comment on her book tour that shook up the internet. She said out loud that leaning in doesn't always work for working moms. Her language was more colorful, which is part of the reason people were shook up. (To read what she said, please review the links below.) However, the notion that one of the most powerful women in the world would publicly acknowledge that hard work alone wouldn't result in automatic success was a bold statement.

Shut the front door! Leaning in isn't a sure fire way to success???
Indeed, the premise of Sandberg's book was that "leaning in" would grant women the keys to the kingdom. They would get raises, promotions and ultimately run the place. She opined that fewer women were in the C Suite because they just weren't invested enough in their careers. I read "Lean In". It was well written and well reasoned, but I think it reached the wrong conclusions.

Michelle Obama Got it Right, Leaning In Doesn't Always Work

The reasons women don't achieve in Corporate America are multi-factorial. Sure there might be some who aren't leaning in enough. However, I know so many female lawyers who worked hard and were still passed over. Ultimately, they left the grind to care for their kids full time because the grind was just too much. They leaned in and got pushed back because they couldn't put in enough "face time"--coffees, lunches and happy hours. These seemingly "social interactions" are considered standard requirements at many firms. Because success is not just about the work. Success involves work + other stuff. And, it is the "other stuff" that often becomes too much for moms.

Because everybody knows that working moms, especially lawyers aren't afraid of hard work. Indeed, we were born for it!

However, its not just female lawyers who are struggling. Many working mom are working hard--hoping to get noticed. But it doesn't always work for them either. Every woman who has ever worked in Corporate America understands that there are barriers to success--many involve corporate practices and policies that fail to contemplate modern realities. As I've said before, Corporate America's policies are built on the antiquated idea that there is someone on the home front who is primarily responsible for the children. That's the only thing that explains the expectation that the typical work day is structured from 8:30- 5:00 and there are no daycare centers on site most places. 

If Corporate America wants to retain more of their talented women, "leaning in" needs to pay off because if it doesn't, why bother???  

I have been yelling this from the rooftops. So, I am so glad that someone with Michelle Obama's klout has highlighted the issue. I hope it helps to level the playing field so that organizations can leverage the talents of their women and give them an opportunity to achieve. That starts with implementing performance based criteria as opposed to "cultural based criteria". Tell all employees what needs to happen, but don't dictate how or when in corporate jobs when that doesn't really matter. Allow employees to leverage the power of technology instead of using it as a way to simply tether them to the office after they have been there for 8-10 hours.  

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1 hour ago - Former first lady offers blunt riposte to Sheryl Sandberg's dictum at event in Brooklyn before apologising for her language.

16 hours ago - Michelle Obama said that she's done with the "lean in" philosophy during the Brooklyn stop of her book tour on Saturday night.
