Not to make it all about me, but it has been quite a year. Twelve months ago, I went to the hospital, more pregnant than any woman in the history of time (it felt that way anyway) and I was cautiously optimistic about what might happen. I work in health can, in risk management. My career and my life has taught me that healthy outcomes are not promised--anything can happen--anything. And so my husband and I traveled to the hospital in the frigid cold to deliver a baby, whom we hoped and prayed would be healthy and yet I knew it wasn't guaranteed.
A Year Ago, Our Dreams Came True
It may seem weird. However, immediately after having my second child I knew that another child would join our family. I don't know where that feeling came from, but it was real. In the interest of full disclosure, there was a miscarriage in between the two births. And while the miscarriage was incredibly painful--and I was upset by it--I somehow knew that another baby would join us. I didn't know when or how, but I knew I would be the mother of three children.
I found out I was pregnant after running a half marathon. At the beginning of the race, I felt really good and marveled at this pregnant woman who was in the race. I commented to her, "WOW! Look at you! How amazing that you're running while pregnant!" The last two miles of my race were grueling though. I felt like I hadn't trained at all. Each step took extreme effort. Two weeks later I felt as exhausted as I felt during those last two miles. That's when I knew that I was pregnant. The test ordered by the doctor merely confirmed my truth. My pregnancy was healthy and I missed no work because of it. Indeed, like my two prior pregnancies I worked right up until the end.

Then, last January on the 7th, two weeks before my due date, we were blessed with that baby, beautiful, healthy boy! The birth was not without its drama. First, like the first two, it was an un-medicated birth. And let me tell you, all un-medicated births are dramatic! However, this birth had its own unique twists and turns.
Let's just say, our son came into this world like a wrecking ball. And although we were in the hospital, my husband caught him at delivery. My husband, about whom I complain more often than I should, was a complete rock star. And he saved the day. Not everybody would have responded the same way under those circumstances. And for that I am eternally grateful. Because of him, and him alone, we left the hospital with our healthy baby full of joy and promise. (For more about the birth experience, click
An Ode to My Baby
Joy unspeakable and full of glory
That is what you mean to me
Your smile has brightened every day
Because of you, I'll never be the same
God blessed us with this amazing gift
You were the hope that we needed
Your birth gave our spirits a lift
This year has been a journey, full of all of feels
And despite our gratitude, the struggle has been real
But the blessings outweigh the burdens, this much is true
And, our family is complete because of you
Chatón T. Turner 2019