Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness
A Working Mom's Dream Came True at Hamilton
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Pregaming at Social House 7
Look around, look around at how
Lucky we are to be alive right now
Hamilton (Schuyler Sisters)
This weekend was so much fun and it reminded about how fortunate we are to be alive at this moment and to have the opportunities that we do. And I am so glad that I can finally tell you about it! You see, I have been holding in a secret since early December and am so excited that I can finally share it.
In December, I attended an event where I participated in a silent auction. As a result of my bidding I walked away with two tickets to "Hamilton: An American Musical" and a gift card to a restaurant. Truth be told I have been itching to see Hamilton since they started talking about it on The Today Show three years ago. I distinctly remember hearing Willie Geist discussing how hard tickets were to come by even for celebrities. For some reason, I thought I deserved a ticket even though I'm only a celebrity in my own mind.
My Dreams of Seeing Hamilton Have Finally Come True
The tickets for Hamilton in Pittsburgh started being sold on my birthday (11/5). I intended to buy some. Then, for a variety of reasons, I completely forgot about it. And when I woke up on 11/6, there was a waiting list of 100,000 people to buy tickets. I thought my dreams of seeing the show were ruined until I attended the event and saw that Hamilton tickets were on the silent auction list. So, rather impulsively, I bid away. I was not "throwing away my shot"!
Me and two strangers entering the theater to see Hamilton
Fortunately, the date of the show coincided with Andre's birthday. So, "happy birthday to him (with a bonus to me)!" So, on Saturday, January 19th, my Hamilton dreams came true. First, we had a birthday dinner with Andre's siblings at Social House 7. The ambience and the food was amazing. It was the perfect beginning to a great evening. And then, after three years of waiting it was time to go to the theater.
And don't you know, Andre decided to go to the bathroom at the restaurant at the very last minute?!
The Hamilton Set
He decided to go eight minutes before the show was scheduled to start. I decided that was on the list of "his problems". So, I left him. I walked out of the restaurant, put up my umbrella and braved the rain. I went through the medal detectors and entered the theater with three minutes to spare. I walked down the aisle, befriended some strangers and took a selfie with them because that's what I do. (Evidence appears above.) I sat in my seat with two minutes to spare and I was ready. And surprisingly, at 8:01 PM Andre arrived. And because he's Andre and one of the luckiest people on the planet, the show started two minutes late and so he was fine.
Hamilton Is Everything You Have Heard and So Much More
Describing Hamilton is kind of like describing a religious experience. It is more than an incredible musical. It is a cultural phenomenon that educates, entertains, and enchants. The music is amazing, each tune more compelling and catchy than the next. The story is riveting. And the acting is simply incredible. If you get the chance, go see it! It was intense, passionate, and unforgettable. It was worth the wait and every penny--even the extra ones I had to pay at the auction. I will be forever grateful that I didn't throw away my shot and I cannot wait to see it again.
Now, I shall be eating saltines and drinking water for the forseeable future. Those tickets were expensive!
For a taste of what I experienced click on the video below.