One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

How Dana Hanna Built the Life She Wanted to Live

Dana Hanna and Duffy Hanna

"Making a bold move is the only way to advance toward the grandest vision this universe has for you." - Oprah Winfrey
  • Meet Dana Hanna, a businesswoman, a mom, and a wife who also makes a mean charcuterie board!

Last year I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of several women who inspired me. This year, I will be profiling them. One of these impressive women is Dana Hanna whom I at a networking event last spring. I was on speaking a panel at the invitation of Newlin Archinal. (Spoiler alert. I'll be profiling her too!) After the event, Dana introduced herself. We bonded over having common friends, being the mom of three kids, and an affection for the occasional raunchy joke.

At the time, we didn’t realize that we had even more in common--and not just our affection for Grey Goose vodka. It turns out that she’s “one of those Hannas”—of the Howard Hanna Real Estate family. Coincidentally, her family hired me and my husband to model in the “Home Happens Here” advertising campaign.  I have since to come to learn that Dana is an accomplished business woman in her own right. She’s a sales and marketing professional, a philanthropist, and an entrepreneur.
And despite being from the Jersey Shore, Dana is nothing like Snookie.
Instead, after spending time with her, I have concluded that Dana is very “intentional”. She is conscious of how she presents herself, the impact she would like to make on the world, and the type of life she’d like to lead. Dana could afford to be a “lady of leisure” and yet  she chooses to work and work hard. She works at her company, EVER Skincare. She works hard with the nonprofit organizations she supports like “Girls Hope”. And she works hard to teach her children good values like hard work, charity and self-empowerment. Indeed, she has come to realize that “’having babies’ really means creating people that are going to shape the future of our world” and she finds that to be a huge privilege.

Dana Hanna Secret:    What’s always in your purse? EVER's Flash Lip Gloss, Listerine Breath Strips, less than $20 in cash, and a million receipts that I need to enter into my expense spreadsheet. 

I decided that I had to interview Dana when I saw on Facebook that she was taking an extended vacation with her kids at the Jersey Shore last summer. It got me thinking, “how does she do it all???” For the answer to that question and more, read below.

During our interview, I learned that Dana got childrearing training at an early age when she was Taylor Swift’s babysitter. (No that is not a typo) When she was in high school, a couple with a young family bought a beach house in Sea Isle from her family's real estate company (yep her family is also in real estate!) and hired her as their babysitter. Taylor Swift was the “baby” and Dana watched her when she was 4, 5 and 6 years old.  

Dana Hanna Inspirational Quote: "Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit - and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - family, health, friends and spirit - are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life." Bryan Dyson President and CEO of Coca-Cola Enterprises
Dana Hanna with her kids

Dana Hanna Has Given Her Kids the Confidence to Succeed

As indicated above, Dana built upon the skills she developed babysitting Taylor Swift with her own three wonderful children.  She was blessed with healthy pregnancies and deliveries free of complications. The first pregnancy and delivery went so well that she did it again when her first born was only six (6) weeks old! That might be the only thing that Dana has done that wasn’t exactly intentional. I think happened because she is so crazy in love with her handsome husband! 

Dana is excited by the variety that being a working mom brings. She loves that she has created a life for herself where she works and is also able to kiss her kids goodbye at the bus stop every morning and help them with homework after school. She often works side by side with her kids. She will working on coaching or business expansion strategies and her kids will be toiling away at math, spelling and science. They even provide Dana with social media tips! 

Dana has taught her kids that they can do ANYTHING! When her two boys were 10 and 11 they were complaining that we didn't have an NBA team in Pittsburgh. She motivated them to start a Go Fund Me campaign and raise $2,620. They used the money to buy billboards to advertise why Pittsburgh needs a team. The whole city was buzzing about these two kids on mission. They appeared on television, The Fan Sports Radio, on the front page Pittsburgh Post Gazette Sports section, and were a lead story in USA Today, with celebrities like Mark Cuban and the NBA Commissioner Adam Silver himself reaching out. You can check out their billboard here:

Dana Hanna Lesson: It is possible to build the life you want to lead. You just have to be intentional, consistent, and believe that you can do it.

Dana Hanna also motivates her sales team at EVER.

“As women we rise by lifting others up.” Dana Hanna

Although she has enjoyed career the nonprofit arena, she has found her niche in sales, first in pharmaceutical sales and now in cosmetics. She is a top leader with EVER Skincare, a clean beauty company, which is breaking the internet with their representatives’ enthusiastic endorsements. She is passionate about EVER because of the products and because of how it helps to change the lives of the sales representatives that report to her. Watching women find success on their own terms inspires her. As she says, “[fl]exibility and unlimited earning potential are two of the things most women want in a career.” Being with EVER allows Dana to run a business while also raising a family and she is able to help other women do the same. 

Helping other women is Dana’s calling. She is passionate about helping women, especially those who
Dana Hanna with one of the best lip glosses EVER!
are re-entering the business world, dispel the myths that have been told to them. Some of those are, “they aren't good enough, they don't deserve to achieve their wildest dreams and that their current status in life is as good as it gets.” Dana works to give women the confidence they need to get their swagger back and live happier lives.

When we met for our interview, Dana told me that she recruited her sister to her EVER sales team so that her sister, a teacher, could have a more flexible summer that included having the time to spend with her children at the beach enjoying one another. And guess what, it worked!

Recently, Dana’s efforts were honored by EVER when she received the Spirit of Leadership Award. It was a national award and she was only the second person to receive it. A ballroom full of women with genuine smiles standing and clapping for her was one of the greatest moments of her life. As women we rise by lifting others up and she is incredibly grateful to be part of a growing company where people celebrate one another. 

If you believe what the folks at EVER say, Dana Hanna is the real deal. Below is a quote from how she was described by them on Facebook.

Dana Hanna closed out 2018 #1 in the country! In December the craziest time of year for moms all while running her nonprofit business and helping so many in need during the holidays. Throw in a birthday this month too! If you are one of the hundreds of women on Dana’s team, then you know she leads with integrity. If you’ve been following along- try these products yourself! If you are thinking about creating some passive income for you and your family, then ask Dana about the EVER opportunity. This girl knows how to get it done!

If you would like to see if there's an EVER product that's right for you, click here. (You should know that I don't reference products that I haven't tried and I cannot say enough about the EVER Skin - Lavish Body Butter. Dana gave me a sample and it was like butta! LOVED it!)   

Dana's Secret to Success

So as you can see, Dana is doing so much--raising great kids, changing the lives of women, all while accomplishing her own goals. What is one secret to her success? Well behind every great woman is a great man holding her purse! :-) Seriously, Dana met the right man early in life and she married him! 

Dana is married to her wonderful husband, Duffy Hanna. I don’t know Duffy. I met him once and can attest to him being handsome. However, from what Dana says his personality outweighs his looks big time. She describes him as a gentleman, the kind of man who opens doors for a woman and also takes amazing care of his children. She says that “he is basically a superhero” in the parenting department! Seeing that they have been together since college, he must be consistently demonstrating his goodness because she’s had time to change her mind! 😊

It was truly a pleasure getting to know Dana. I cannot wait to hear what she is going to do next!

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