This working mom thing is more than a notion. You have a child or children to bathe, dress, and feed. You have to ensure that they stay safe and sound, free of diseases and known hazards. You have to keep your weirdo meter up at all times because there are people in the world who might harm your kid. You have to do all of those things for yourself. You may have a spouse, partner, or “person” in your life that expects you to talk to them, respect them and do grown up things with them.
And in addition to all of that you have to hold down a job, which means going there every day, making your employer's concerns more important than your own for a good chunk of the day and look presentable while you're doing it.
And on top of the rest of it, snow days and sickness can disrupt all of your best made plans.
Let’s be honest. It’s kind of A LOT! The mom thing combined with the working thing--OMG! OMG! OMG!
For that reason, you may need to switch it up and get away from the kids
from time to time. I feel guilty, but sometimes I just disappear. I find my people--my sister, friends, or like minded strangers--and I hang with them. That's where the above photo came from, a time where I totally dipped and went to celebrate the Super Bowl with my sister. I recognize that is rogue and a little extreme for most moms. That said, all moms can at least get a good laugh.
On the latter point, I got you. Below is a
link to the funniest things I have seen about us moms in a while. It is LOL, LYFAO, HA, HA funny. Indeed, it is the real deal. After you read it and laugh you’re a- - off, let
me know which one you liked best. You can thank me later!!!