One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

What Working Moms REALLY Want For Valentine’s Day!

Couple on the town

 Women who value Valentine’s Day do so because they want to feel significant to the man they love. And what really makes us feel special is receiving something personal--something that indicates that our man understands us. -Chatón T. Turner (written in 2008)

Valentine’s Day is often about men playing the hero. They get to make a grand gesture of love that is designed to make the object of his affection feel appreciated. My first Valentine’s memories involve girls receiving flowers at school. The school sold them and anyone could by them. The really popular girls walked around all day with a bouquet for the school to see.

Well, we have grown up now and our needs have changed!

And while roses, romance and romps in the bed are often quoted on the standard Valentine’s wish published by the media many working moms believe that is just FAKE NEWS! For us real women, in the trenches--those with one or more little kids--other things are on our Valentine’s Day list. Below are some proposed by some working moms I know and love. I didn’t include them all. However, I can tell you that many would be happy with the ability to have some uninterrupted sleep. That means that husbands/spouses/significant others would need to take care of the kids. And by taking care of I mean they would watch them, tend to them and ensure that those little buggers didn’t ask mama for a f---ing thing during her time of respite!

I’ve compiled a list of fifteen other things below. Most of them do not require a lot of money or creativity. Rather, they require effort and attention. (A special shout out to my fellow Lawmamas who helped me compile this list. Husbands/Spouses/Significant Others take note!!!)

BEST WISH EVER: “I want [a] day and night where everyone makes sure I’ve eaten, am having a good day, haven’t pooped on myself, made my doctor’s appointments, and enjoyed myself...”

Things Working Moms Want For Valentine’s Day
  1. A refrigerator full of groceries, including all of her favorites and the things the kids need, that she didn’t have to buy order or think about.
  2. A minimum of one day where she didn’t have to ensure that everyone else’s needs were addressed before she even thought about showering.
  3. A meal without interruption.
  4. A spouse who would actually do all of the things that he has, “I don’t have time to do” that somehow she manages to complete.
  5. Someone to read all of the newsletters, emails, and other correspondence that comes from the school and tell her what has to happen instead of her being responsible to manage such things.
  6. Basic Privacy Wish:  Pee alone. I'd be happy with limiting it to even just one guest appearance per pee. It's when there are 3 additional beings in my grill... that's when I lose it.
  7. A date night that she didn’t have to schedule, reserve the babysitter or worry about how such sitter would be paid. She just had to show up and enjoy the event.
  8. Essentially to be her spouse.
  9. A night where I don't have to think one second about what the kids are doing for dinner or about packing their lunches for the next day.
  10. A day off with lots of sleep and the magical ability to shut off my brain so I'm not thinking about all the crap not happening because I'm checked out
  11. A day where she doesn’t have to work on her hygiene or appearance, but someone else does it for her. She gets bathed, clothes picked out and dressed, hair done, etc., by someone else.
  12. All of the laundry washed, dried, folded/hung, and put away.
  13. A night at a hotel. Alone. With room service. And a kingsize bed. And a massage. And a mint on the pillow. And brunch plans.
  14. Clothes that are not falling apart, that fit, and that are clean and pressed if necessary.
  15. Time in my house with no one home at all.
BONUS: Someone to go through the house, check toilet paper levels, paper towels, condiments, laundry detergent, shampoo, pet food, make sure everything is at adequate levels and if it’s not, replace it.

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