One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

The Impossible Journey of Healthy Eating


There is one truism in life, most people, including working  moms, will continue to try to find the best path for living. Often this quest causes them to try different diets in an effort to live forever, or at least live better in the days they are granted. Now, there is a huge craze sweeping the nation--"plant-based eating".

Let the record show, even though I am not vegetarian, I am here for it. I am here for it all.
I am here for the "Gardein Crabless Cakes". I am here for the organic kale. And I am here for all of the plant-based burgers. Apparently, a lot of America is here for it too. Despite, the quintessential American meal being "meat and potatoes", "Beyond Burger™" , scored the number one IPO (Initial Public Offering) of the year. Beyond Burger is a plant-based burger that has revolutionized eating. It looks, cooks, and satisfies like beef, but unlike traditional veggie burgers it lacks, GMO ingredients, soy and gluten. (Unfortunately, I missed the IPO. My brother and mom got in on it though. So, I hope they'll give me a loan when they're rolling in the dough!) 

I first tasted Beyond Burger in Atlanta at "Yeah Burger" about a year ago with my gluten free, yoga instructor sister, Jeryn. I did so reluctantly because her tastes and mine don't always match. That said, they had me at first bite. It was AMAZING! I left Atlanta hoping that some day we would have a restaurant like "Yeah Burger" in Pittsburgh, but I didn't have high hopes.

The Impossible Whopper

Tastes like beef.

My Comments about Burger King's Impossible Whopper

In the interest of full disclosure, I entertained becoming vegetarian years ago. However, I never did because it was just too hard to find healthy fast food choices. Think about it. If you are taking a road trip through America and are vegetarian, you are basically restricted to french fries, chips, and a bunch of other carbohydrates. And if you are a pescatarian, you can eat that oh so tired filet of fish sandwich that is loaded with fat and grease. In contrast, the grilled chicken sandwich at most fast food chains is a low fat, high protein alternative. 

To be fair, Burger King started serving a Morningstar veggie burger several years ago. It's reasonably tasty, but not anything to get excited about. Then, while watching TV last week, my dreams came true, Burger King announced that a new sandwich it would be serving the "Impossible Whopper" made using Impossible Burger! I knew that if Burger King was putting the "Whopper" brand on the sandwich it must be good. I had one yesterday and it did not disappoint.

This. Sandwich. Was. Delicious.

As the photo above indicates, it looks just like a Whopper sandwich. And I can now say with confidence that it tastes like a Whopper Sandwich!

It was so good that I am certain that it probably isn't on anybody's list of health food. Still, it was nice to be reminded of my childhood for a while. As a kid, I LOVED Whopper sandwiches, but beef never really agreed with me. Knowing that I now have the ability to experience that familiar taste without the stomach upset makes me very happy. I'd have posted a photo of me eating it, but the sauce was dripping down my chin! Anyway, if you're looking to try something new, I recommend that you check it out for yourself! (Let me know your thoughts!!!)

This is not a sponsored post.
