One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Looking Forward to Seeing My Bloggy Con Peeps This Weekend!

photo credit: Rachel Brenke

I was honored to serve at the keynote speaker at Bloggy Con in 2019, and presented again last year at a session about "Content Creation". 

What is Bloggy Con? It is an awesome blogging conference that takes place at The Breakers Hotel in Sandusky, Ohio that is adjacent to Cedar Point Amusement Park. I have attended this conference for four years in a row now and was honored to be asked to serve as the keynote. My presentation was entitled "Leaning In Without Tipping Over".

Tiffany Noth, the brain child behind the conference selected the topic because, as entrepreneurs, bloggers are particularly susceptible to doing too much. We often have full time jobs, families and a host of other demands in addition to trying to grow our businesses. So, the struggle is real and the risk of tipping over is something to be mindful of.

I give a lot of speeches, but was nervous about when I served as keynote. I was nervous because I kicked off the conference. So, that was a huge responsibility. Also, whenever, I have the opportunity to present to a crowd, I take it seriously. Today, I was presenting to folks who  had chosen to attend a conference on a weekend. I wanted to make sure that I shared useful information. I also wanted to inspire.

I have to say that my nervous energy was misplaced. The Bloggy Con audience is one of the most engaged and enthusiastic that I have ever experienced! They are also beyond nice. This year, with my new job, being back in the office, and my kids, I couldn't get a proposal to speak together.  So, I am not presenting. However, because I enjoy it so much, I shall be in the audience soaking up all of the great content and all of that good energy.

See you there!!!

To learn more about my experiences at Bloggy Con visit the links below:
