The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Christmas in Pittsburgh

Christmas 2018

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”. ― Norman Vincent Peale.

We hosted about 25 people for Thanksgiving so we needed some sort of program. During Thanksgiving dinner, people went around expressing their gratitude. I played along and said some things. However, I was secretly thinking, "this ain't my favorite!" Christmas has my whole heart--hands down. It might be because "Baby Jesus" came to save our souls. It may be because it was always THE holiday for my family. Or, it might just be that I love shiny and sparkly things and Christmas has them in spades.

Whatever the reason, I LOVE Christmas. So, I decided to share a photo of myself in front of the Pittsburgh Creche. There's a history to it. While I respect you reading about it, with this post and photo, I hope you just enjoy the splendor of it all. I know I did!

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