Breakfast at daycare |
I have written that identifying the appropriate childcare option is one of the most important decision a working mom can make. (Here's a
link to the original post.) I still believe that. When I wrote the piece I mentioned that having a nanny was the best decision for our family. And it was.
However, I have learned that one shouldn't get too comfortable with any arrangement because things can change...
I wrote that first paragraph a few years ago when we sent our oldest son to daycare when he was two. It occurred unexpectedly and it required a lot of adjustments. Below is a description of that experience as well as our experience sending our infant son to daycare, which was the hardest adjustment yet.
Working Moms Should Never Gloat Because Things Can Change
Our son began day care in June of 2016. It was a huge event for our family and we have been adjusting. We lacked the resources to have one of us stay-at-home to care for our children. However, up to then, we made the sacrifice to employ a nanny to permit our children to stay-at-home and to have the safety and comfort that comes with that. Employing a nanny was expensive, but it was money well spent. Our children thrived and we were grateful.
Then, our last nanny gave notice and everything changed. We had the option of interviewing for another nanny. However, that option was unattractive for two reasons. One, our nanny had become a part of our family, and I doubted we would find another one that fit as well. Second, with the cost of the home renovations, the expense had taken its toll. Being relieved of the expense of one-on-one care would be a relief.
And, it was. However, the uncertainty of changing childcare options filled me with anxiety, especially because having a nanny had helped me avoid a lot of "mommy guilt".
Daycare Dance |
Transitioning to daycare has been hard work
Still, what I found even harder than finding the right nanny was finding the right daycare. As luck God would have it, the week our nanny gave notice the only day care that I have ever liked emailed me and asked whether I'd be interested accepting an offer to enroll my son. Apparently, I had placed him on the waiting list while I was pregnant. I am so glad that I had the wisdom to do that in the midst of my hormonal state!
I wrote the above two years ago, and here we are with one more kid and continuing on our daycare journey. Let's be clear, having a nanny was infinitely easier than having a kid in daycare. Nannies aren't only childcare providers, they are household managers. They watch the kids, do the laundry, perform light housework, and help you manage your household. Nannies, good ones, are a gift from God.
For the past three years, we have awkwardly been doing the day care dance. I say awkward because each day it seems as if somebody's toes get stepped on. Despite developing a routine and systems, it never goes as seamlessly as it did when we had a nanny.
The daycare journey is an introduction to the real world
In truth, when we began our daycare journey, we began a journey that won't end. Instead of our kids enjoying their days at their leisure, our sons have been part of the rat race. Daily, they rise early, dress, eat, and make their way out of the door to arrive at their assigned places. Because of their schedules, I have learned to rise earlier, eat earlier, and dash out the door.
I wish that I could provide you with the key to making the daycare journey without complications. However, the truth is, every day is fraught with complications. That said, we have a rhythm and it works for us. Yes, there are times when we don't remember to bring the fresh snack, we bring whatever dry snack we have in our pantry. There are times when we bring the baby to daycare in his pajamas with a dirty diaper because we woke up too late to get him ready.
We won't even talk about how many times we mess up with the other kids. That said, the morale is, we are still standing, we have survived the daycare journey, and as the photos demonstrate, most days there are lots of smiles!
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