#workingmom |
“Lipstick is really magical. It holds more than a waxy bit of color - it holds the promise of a brilliant smile, a brilliant day, both literally and figuratively.” -Roberta Gately
Whether working motherhood is a choice or a chore, it’s a
reality for many women. And those walking the journey know that it is filled
with challenges. This is a post to assist you in tackling one of the easiest
things to master—looking good where ever you go.
Many of the working mom challenges are a function of the
unpredictability of children and the antiquated premises Corporate policies are
based on. We'll discuss those in more detail another time. Instead, this post is about loftier things--your appearance.
Unlike the aforementioned things, your appearance is entirely within your control. For that reason
I say that looking good where ever you go is easy, comparatively. Indeed, it can be accomplished
with effort, resources and planning. My experience is that looking good makes me feel better.
Below are some posts to help you look good while you do it all!
Looking Good While Doing it All
Sep 11, 2015 -
Chaton's World: A Working Mom's
Quest for Balance in Stilettos©. Search ... The first day of school taught me
to have spare
makeup... After she was ... However, as luck would
have it, I forgot to bring my
makeup bag with me.
Apr 9, 2010 - Yesterday I had a court appearance. I
rushed out of the house to get to court on time. It appeared that I had more
than enough time to
make it.
These are the 27 fashion tips for women that I live by when it comes to my closet and style, and that I’ve had to (mostly) learn the hard way over the years.
Mar 8, 2016 - You know the ladies we're talking about:
the ones at work, at book club, at PTA, hell even at the gym, who just seem
effortless. You wonder how ...