One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Easter During COVID-10

Easter Photo

The last month has been an unusual time. The concern surrounding COVID-19 has distracted the nation and prevented many of us from working the way we're used to, socializing the way we're used to and simply living the way we want to. We are living our lives under these unique circumstances and acting like the sh*t is normal when we know that it isn't.

What the news and our sheltering in place have taught us is that life has changed. These changes have tested the faith of even the most faithful. And we needed an infusion of grace to get us through this challenging time. That infusion was Easter, a reminder that death has been destroyed and love always wins. Granted, Easter was a little different this year, but it was still wonderful.

Easter brunch

I had an idea that I wanted to make Easter special for me and for my kids. In my mind, one of the things that promotes depression and desperation at times like these is the notion that life is about sameness--there's nothing to look forward to and nothing to celebrate. Well, as a Christian--whether a mature one or a naive one--there is nothing more celebratory than Christ's resurrection. Indeed, the resurrection is the entire basis of Christianity. We are because he lives!  And although, I don't always manage to make it to church, celebrating Christ's resurrection during this quarantine period mattered to me.

Click here for prior Easter posts.

Food is one of the best parts of holidays. Every Easter my mom makes a wonderful dinner for the family. She has been following the tradition established by her own mother for years. This year, my mom was in Atlanta with my sister, sheltering in place. So, I honored the tradition. I bought special groceries to make a special brunch and a special dinner. I wanted the day to be marked by food that was more special than the daily chicken. So, we had crab cakes for brunch and paella for dinner topped with lobster. 

Easter Sunday Visit Social Distancing Style

The food made the day more special, but so did the relief from expectations. Nearly every year that I can remember, yelling was a part of Easter. I would yell at Andre to get him to get ready for church and to help with the kids or to get to my mom's on time for dinner. The yelling to comply with expectations took its toll and made things less fun. This year, we had no expectations. Instead, we had fresh flowers, an Easter Egg Hunt on our time frame and no yelling because I simply vowed to refrain from it. It as me embodying Christ and simply not wanting to be bothered by the tension that follows yelling and the restrictions of sheltering in place... And, while I missed the benefits that come from communal worship and family meals, I welcome the break. 

Easter Dinner
We worshipped in our pajamas, got dressed after noon, and made dinner while we watched church service. The rhythm of the day was ours to choose and it felt right and natural. As a lifelong Baptist who was educated in Catholic schools, I appreciate that a huge part of religion is based on ritual and collective guilt. But this year, I cannot say that I missed the expectations of appearing places at a certain time and looking a certain way. Instead, I enjoyed doing things the way I wanted and blessing our families with our presence and tasty morsels. I also enjoyed not having to worry about the dishes because I knew that I'd be working from home on Monday. 

Click here for prior Easter posts.

The Easter egg hunt

Of course I don't relish the situation that got us here. Still, I have to acknowledge that for my family, yesterday was a good day and I am grateful. Thank you LORD!!!

Praying that all is well in your world!!!
