Rejoice in the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the miracle of Christmas which is Hope, and the heart of Christmas which is Love. -Unknown
Despite the COVID-19 chaos we were able to carve out time to make magical Christmas memories. There was the excitement created by the return of the elf, Carly. Sometimes, I question why I ever embarked on this Elf on the Shelf journey because it tests my creativity and resolved every day from December 1-25. I remain committed because of the joy it brings my kids. And, it does make the season more magical.
My husband's family had the tradition of advent calendars that contain small gifts or treats every day for the month of December. So, needless to say, the kids LOVE December. In addition, my husband's family made candy houses every year. My sister-in-law, to her immense credit, maintains that tradition and even gets them antlers and other treats to make the day more fun. One year, she even had Santa Claus come to her house!
We're faithful about sending Christmas cards. (By "we" I mean, "me") Indeed, I've sent them since college. This year was an adventure though. Somehow, I neglected to select "auto-ship" from the service I use. And, although, I won't make that mistake again, there was something very personal about addressing the envelopes this year to ensure my loved ones know that I care.
Any way, there are promises to keep and presents to wrap before I sleep. So, I will leave you with this simple wish. Whatever your circumstance, and whatever you have been through, allow yourself to experience joy this season, in spite of it all. There are so many things that we cannot control. That said, you are not being unfaithful to the struggle, or to those struggling, by recognizing the blessing that is this season.
May God bless you and your family as we all continue to wait for life to become less chaotic!