This post is a bit delayed. I meant to post it some time ago so that you guys might be able to visit Cedar Point this season and experience "HalloWeekends" for yourself. Alas, you only have one weekend left to experience. That said, if you have time, do it. Like seriously, go today! I promise you, it will be worth it.
HalloWeekends Is a Fun Halloween Tradition
We discovered HalloWeekends because Cedar Point is the site of one of my favorite conferences, "Bloggy Con". And, we learned that it is the very best way to celebrate the Halloween season! It's hard to imagine a better or more fun way to celebrate the Halloween season than going to an amusement park that is decorated in the best possible Halloween decorations and is home to the most roller coasters in the world.
So, what are HalloWeekends? Here's what
Wikipedia says :
HalloWeekends is an annual Halloween event at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio. It was introduced in 1997, and takes place during the Halloween season, usually from the second Friday after Labor Day until the Sunday before Halloween, or sometimes into early November.
Some of the awesome decorations at Cedar Point! #skeletons |
Here's what I say, HalloWeekends is a wicked good time!. It is a great event to get your kids outside. It is a great way to expose your family to the Halloween season in a fun controlled environment. Indeed, the roller coasters can make your heart drop if somehow the scary decorations do not. I'm not really into roller coasters. However, my kids have turned into quite the adventure seekers and Cedar Point has helped them discover that side of themselves.
I could go on and on. However, this post is already late. So, I'll conclude and encourage you to get our to Cedar Point and experience the magic for yourself! Let me know if you make it!
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