One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Five Lessons This Past Summer Taught Me About Motherhood

Enjoying the summer in Ohio.

The livin' wasn't easy in the summertime, but it was informative. If you are not careful, you can live your life day-to-day and learn nothing. I try to learn my lessons while I am living. Now, back to school season is in full bloom. So, I took time to reflect on the summer.

  1. Planning is everything. I have three kids. So, the notion of being spontaneous doesn't really fly if I am including them in the plans. Also, I work full time. So, during the week, my time is spoken for. So, their time needs to be spoken for too. This has become more complicated as our family has grown and our kids have different ages and interests. Complicated does not mean impossible though. And this summer, we made it work. 
  2. Everything has a price. Scheduling three kids for the summer when the answer isn't, "Just send them to grandmas." takes money, a decent amount of it, even when you choose cost effective options. 
  3. Assess what you truly need.  This working mom life ain't for the faint of heart. There are tares in it, mischievous children, and demanding employers who smile and simultaneously undermine you with rules and requests. People from a different generation and those who work elsewhere will judge you and declare, you should,  "just try harder!" Respectfully, forget them. Get what your family needs even if "they" deem it unnecessary. Not to sound like a cliche. But, it is OK to assess what you need, make time for it, and demand it. Indeed, it is necessary. And if what you need is a nanny, a housekeeper, or a Porsche Cayenne, and you can afford that ish--just do it!
  4. Carry an umbrella, always. My old boss used to always say, "The day you don't have an umbrella is the day it will rain." While it didn't happen all of the time, it did kind of work out that way. There was that one time at work when I was caught outside and had no way to get back and the sky was wide open. I  got lucky and somebody agreed to give me a ride. That day, I learned to always pack an umbrella. I bought a small one and kept it in my purse. This summer, I used it!
  5. Even superheroes need a break. People joke that moms are superheroes. However, it is completely true. Who else is changing small children in a single bound? Who else is waking up at dawn to ensure that everyone has lunches, breakfast and the kitchen is clean when they get home? Who can say that over the course of a year, they made the world go 'round not only for themselves but for their kids.  I am one of the moms who do those things. And while I understand that I am a mere mortal, I consider myself to be in esteemed company. And, when this summer began,  I was tired and needed a friggin' break. So, I took one. And that made all of the difference. 

Enjoying Summer at Half Moon

Fall is upon us and other lessons will be revealed, I am sure. Now, I am in the midst of sports' seasons, school schedules, and performance obligations. That is all while I manage two teams, my own work load, a household, and try not to lose my mind in the process. In a word, like all of you, I am managing life. And with that comes burdens and blessings.   

Here's looking forward to the lessons fall brings (and the fashion)!

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